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Thread: Can you, will you and are you really prepared for the unforeseen SHTF?

  1. #11
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    We got together to clear the neighborhood last hurricane. I know many of them, but some have moved.
    It is pretty quiet here, not much happens in this neighborhood. Also, while it is adjacent to a major thoroughfare, it is not a "cut-through" to anywhere but the extension of the neighborhood. Road-wise, only two ways in and out, next to each other on the same side. Four vehicles, maybe six, would cut off the road entry totally.
    On the back side is water. On one side is mostly businesses, going down that major road to an Air Force base. Neighborhoods on the other side. Not far up some rougher neighborhoods.
    We prepare as best we can, and that's all there is to do.

  2. #12
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    ...Well, im better off now than I was a few years ago and hopefully in a few more years i'll be better off than I am now.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  3. #13
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Have you thought about the place you are going to stay when SHTF? Whether it is to bug out or bug in it has to be guarded. This might not be something you want to talk about but you have to think of what and how you are. I don't want anyone to say how they are going to guard their place but just ask if you have worked on doing it. With everything else that has to be thought of that should be on the top of the list. If you have a BOL is it ready? Have you walked it all of and planed on protecting it?
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.

  4. #14
    A laugh a minute
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    Security is another prep for the SHTF.How are you going to secure your property in the SHTF? I have been thinking that there are a lot of different ways that apply to a lot of different places. Like if you have a lot of acreage with out buildings and woods for people to hide and watch your everyday routine, verses lots with a house. Where there might not be as many places. Security lights will alert you and your intruder. Motion alarms will go off inside your house and not be heard outside. What about booby traps for around the land? Game camera’s but you have to check them and they will only tell you what and who was lurking. Has anyone been thinking on how to secure and protect your property? What ways can you protect what is yours? Those of you with a lot of land, how can you protect all of it? I would like to know when someone is coming way before they get here, wouldn’t you? But how would you do that?
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.

  5. #15
    Does NOT use a snake bit sucker kit on snake bits

    Evolver's Avatar
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    All put it this way... We are as prepared as possible within our means and we will make the best as possible out of what ever that might happen. Adaptability and knowing your tools are the key.
    You don't need to be the strongest
    or the most intelligent to survive
    but by having the right tools and
    the adaptability of change
    is where you will prevail.

  6. #16
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    there are many things to think about on something that might or might not happen. At least you know thatyou will have a hurricane to deal with livingin Fla. Or earthquakes in California and you know what to prep. Thinking to much makes my head hurt
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.

  7. #17
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    I think its more about, if you have the property, but not the people, or the people and not the property to protect, then finding that happy medium. Either working with what you have, or adding one or the other to plus up where you are lacking. Theres plenty of us who dont have 20-30-100 acres to watch over, who are willing to help out those who do have that size of property, but lack the personnel to watch it. Some folks dont realize how many people are actually necessary to maintain a perimeter 24/7, you have to think 3-4 shifts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any less, and you will suffer from burnout, and then you start making mistakes, losing that attention to detail, which could be costly in the end run. Its a smarter bet, if you dont have the property to guard, then offering your services to someone likeminded who does have it. This way, you are surrounded by likeminded folks, and you already bring something to the table. . . versus, say trading perimeter security jobs for 3 hots and a cot with an unskilled, unprepared person.
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  8. #18
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    Willie51's Avatar
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    Somewhere along the way of prepping and studying the subject of survival (whether from manmade or natural disasters), I read somewhere that there are four elements of survival- i.e. Knowledge, ability, luck, & the will to survive. Knowledge and ability is learned and is what we all here are doing today. And luck is....well just luck. The "will to survive" though is something built in us and we won't know how strong that is until we are truly tested. Some on this forum have already been tested. I hope if or when that day comes, I will be strong and pass the test.

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