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Thread: Feeding a group

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Feeding a group

    This topic is something I have been giving a great deal of thought to over the past few months. There has been a lot of discussion within this forum on the benefits of having a group to rely on, as opposed to going it alone. I know a lot of folks on this forum are either already in a working MAG, are working to build a MAG, or have at least discussed the possibility of a group getting together in a major SHTF situation. Others will be in much smaller family sized groups, whether 2 or 20. So here is my question, how have you working out the logistics of feeding this group long term? I know most everyone on here has some, or a lot of food stored. But in a long term situation all the stored food will run out at some point. What are your plans at then?

    At this point I don't have set plans with a MAG. I have just been working on getting some ideas going for my wife and I, with the knowledge that my parents, and if they can get here from out of state maybe my sister, BIL, & Niece, plus 1 nephew could show up. The wife and I already grow a lot of our own food, maybe 60-75% of our non meat and dairy products. I don't think it will take a huge amount for us to ramp up to 100%. We have fruit trees, grape vines, and berry bushes planted and some are already producing. Our chickens are doing well and with our recent increase in flock size, have positioned ourselves to be able to bump up the size of the flock to be able to have plenty of meat for us and plenty of eggs for us and to barter. There are a few farmers around where we are that raise cattle and I feel sure I could pick up a bred heifer or two, or some calves for beef.

    In a larger group situation situation, say 10-30 folks for example, food resources are going to be much more demanding. While I have between 1 and 2 acres committed right now to food production and would increase that to at least 4-5 with cattle, a larger group would need 15-50 acres, depending on soil and growing conditions and the size of the group. This will take a lot of hands to manage and a boat load of seed, fertilize, tools, storage, and preservation materials to prepare and put away the food needed to get thru a winter. Does your group have a person or three, designated as food production lead, or some such position to manage how much gets planted, where at, what kind of rotation, ect? Are certain folks mainly tasked to this, or does everyone rotate thru all jobs? What kind of planting seed storage plans do you have? For how many? For how long? Have the proper tools already been purchased, prepared, and stored? Are animals in the plans? Are there folks who know how to manage the livestock? Is water acessable for them?

    I don't disagree at all about the need for more hands to defend a location, it makes perfect sense to me. I'm just trying to get my head around how to keep a larger number of folks fed, at least at a subsistance level. I know it can be done and would love to hear your folks thoughts on the matter.

  2. #2
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    With a mag or possible mag, I would think that each one has been prepping and has something to contribute when SHTF comes. Now the way I see it and this might be hard and harsh for some to understand but I would not have anyone in my group that could not bring something to it. They would have to be useful. That means that they would have their own skill. For instance someone might not have a lot of water, food or clothes, ammo stored, but they are great at building, fixing things, have medical training, knows how to run heavy equipment. Not afraid of hard work and is easy to get along with. Doesn't have any habits that are going to get in the way of what we need to do to stay alive. Then I can compensate for what ever they didn't had or have very little of.

    As far as feeding a group. People only need one good balanced meal a day, not 3 or 2. So rationing is important and if you start slow then your body will get use to it and you won't notice the change. There is a exception with the people who have to eat something because of the meds that require it. But that does not mean a 3 course meal. That just means something on their stomach.
    By now everyone should know about how many people they have lined up to be in their group and still have enough time to set up who does what and what they have to bring into it.

    If anyone needs anything personal just for them and only them, it is up to them to supply it. In other words I will not stock up on inhalers because I don't have asthma. Nor will I buy birth control pill because I don't need them. Get the point.

    I am prepping for me and mine, you want to be in my group? Then prep for you and yours and then we as a group will combine everything and then we will agree on who buys what for the group and when SHTF comes we should have everything we need and then. We as a group can share the work load because everyone will do everything they can and be willing to learn as they go along.

    Hope that makes sense

    - - - Updated - - -

    By the way, this is a Great post. Makes one think.
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  3. #3
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    That's the ultimate catch 22 situation isn't it?

    You have enough provisions stored for you and your own, but you cant defend with that small of a group. you add more people to help defend, and then you need more provisions. You add more provisions (or means to produce them) and you need more people to defend them and to work them. etc etc etc. and that is how a community/town/city/county/country is born.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  4. #4
    This guy has "some" flashlights. Just a couple. As in, a metric-butt ton of em.

    Echo2's Avatar
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    Our group has planned for feeding 24 people....that's men, women, and kids alike. We used the food calculators to get a generalized idea of what it takes to feed a crowd of that size.....and started storing food to fit that bill. in our group is into nutritional value.....caloric daily intake.....just an all around nutritionist....and has worked in the field. She basically taken over the inventory management.

    With her knowledge and help from the calculators.....we have planned for 3k calories a day for everyone. This really isn't much when you are doing a bunch of manual labor....but if you look at dividing it up with smaller women and kids.....the balance should work itself out. (at least that's what we a hoping one can really know)

    You really need to start looking at it on an "institutional" to balance a diet with enough fiber, carbs, protein, and such. It's way over my head....but it's amazing how much stuff it equates to.If you plan on eating light.....figure about 400 lbs per person...per year.....that doesn't even touch water.

    We are blessed to have gravity fed spring water coming to 2 of the buildings...and we have installed a Buffalo Pump at one of the upper buildings which can feed into two 275 gallon containers.

    The BOL is a working farm....and we have at the minimum 5 years of seeds stored....and 10 yrs of some varieties.

    One thing you can do in the outlying areas of your AO....go around and try to establish a lot of wild edibles....lots of greens....onions....garlic....basil...etc. They require little to no attention and once established....will come back year after year.

    Also....I highly recommend everyone begin researching how to cook and use every part of common forest critters....what you don't use as meat can make soup stock and rendered fat....and let's face it...calories're going to want as many as you can get.

    Smoking and dehydrating.....learn it now....practice while it isn't a matter if life and death......have ways to store it....mason jars and dry can use your old lids for a lot of it.

    Sweeteners....fats....oils......spices....milk.... eggs....all the stuff you run to the store for now.....will be gone....better have a substitute.

    And for those of us who have little kids.....massive amounts of peanut butter........I probably have 20 to 30 lbs in my house now....and I don't even look at it as stores.
    The Difference Between a Welfare State and a Totalitarian State is a Matter of Time.

  5. #5
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Echo thank you. That is exactly the variety of information I was looking for. There is so much that goes into working these details out for a small group that I really wanted to get feedback on other folks planning ideas for larger groups. And hopefully get ideas out for other groups that may not have looked at this issue very closely.

    Taz, I agree with your outlook as well. My only thoughts that would differ would be this, if a known group is getting together shouldn't some group planning be included rather then each family doing all their own thing? I'm not throwing stones, just thinking out loud.

    T I think you have hit on the crux of the issue totally.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 08-04-2012 at 01:29 AM.

  6. #6
    This guy has "some" flashlights. Just a couple. As in, a metric-butt ton of em.

    Echo2's Avatar
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    One of the biggest things you need to if you haven't been eating LTS for a while.....or a lot of whole grain foods....

    Some of this will wreak havoc on your digestive track....and it does take a while to get acclimated.....a few weeks at best.

    So if you go from a cheeseburger and chicken nugget diet to salted meat, freeze dried corn, and wheat tac.....your colon is going to hate you.

    I'm just saying....
    The Difference Between a Welfare State and a Totalitarian State is a Matter of Time.

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Store what you eat, eat what you store.

  8. #8
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    So far these are good points, Echo was dead on. Fishing and hunting will have to come in play in my opinion. I know people that can't skin meat or clean a fish.....and don't want to learn (They are known as the starving ones) I along with most here are putting up seeds and working a garden or livestock now and that is great.

    Wild edibles are a must...

    Taz, agreed on not spending the $$$ to stock what you don't use. I do however feel that strength in numbers will matter a great deal. I think a healthy person showing up is still a benefit to the group with or without food or many skills. There will be to much of a demand to turn away the help with labor/security/everyday duties.

    BP, your welcome at our table anytime.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  9. #9
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Bp I was saying that everyone wold have prepped for their own needs as in theirs kids,pets, their meds, etc. When SHTF comes we will all join to make our group and everyone,s preps will go to the whole group ecept what is their personal things. That way what someone wasn,t able to get would have it there for them. Like say I couldn,t afford to buy a lot of ammo for my guns because my job to the group was to buy all the basic medical stuff for the group. Like gause,salves,banaids etc. When we join the ammo would be there for everyone to use.
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  10. #10
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Taz, I wasn't knocking your OP. I just wasn't really thinking of it from the same point of view. At least haven't had to at this point.

    LB, I don't disagree with the labor thought. But, until a group gets food growing, I would be hesitant to bring in very many mouths to feed. I know many hands make lighter work, but there are some folks I know who while strong and should be able to perform labor of most any type, they are so stupid I don't feel they are trainable. BTW, THANKS!

    Echo, After reading back thru your post again. I had overlooked the fact that you have a nutritionist your group. That is a keeper for sure. Almost as good as a medic long term. Also the access to spring water is invaluable and will make life much easier. The working farm is what I am working toward, but who knows if time will allow that or not. And knowing how to perserve meat (smoking and dehydrating) is a key element in a working farm.

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