I have been in and out of the hole more times than I care to think about..... But there is quite a few folks that I know that are running pretty lean right now.

I recently made an arrangement with a friend...(he didn't want to borrow money)..to take a few items in and hold for cash. I know these items...they are family heirlooms....and are intended for his kids. He is headed to North Dakota for a new job that will last about 1.5 years....and needed traveling $$$. Wife and kids are staying here.

The guy who brings me some of my wood for winter.....asked if I had a old hunting rifle I wanted to part with....due to the fact he had to sell the one he has been using for the last 5 years.....I gave him a old 303 British and a couple boxes of shells (got it for $100 at a yardsale)....he in turn promised to bring me a couple yearlings already processed and one load of wood. This guy dosen't eat store bought beef....he always harvest enough deer to live off of til next season...how tight would it have to be to sell the one item that puts a large portion of food on the table.

A neighbor down the road...just found out that his job will be going the way of the Dodo....his wife makes pretty good....but they are expecting a baby in January....she'll be out of the game for at least a month.

A fellow I have working for me part time....lost his job at Wally world (he was the 8th highest paid employee in the store)....due to "modification of his department"....is begging me for hours...I have none to give right now.

What have you noticed in your AO? Is it the same slow motion train wreck every where?