Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
Have to disagree with you Izzy. How the hell would they get here? China would make much more sense , since they have a blue water navy, and own enough of our debt to make such a gambit plausable.
It's a movie. I don't care how they get there, as long as we kick the shit out of them once they are here.

I agree that China would make more sense, from a logistical standpoint anyway, but let's not take N. Korea off the table as a threat. Bottom line is, they are one......a big one.........
N Korea is a country that devotes the majority of their income into military tech while they let their people starve. Who knows what kind of toys and tech they have that we dont know about. Oh.....and they hate us big time.......and they are always taking an aggressive posture.....like a pitbull with that little pink thing hanging out. At least China plays it cool every so often.

Just going out on a limb here...........If they WERE able to somehow invade TODAY..........right this second...............how effective of an organized defense do you think we could mount? Not much of one, as most of our combat assets are forward stationed or deployed right now.

In all reality, however, it's just a movie. I'm gonna see it. Reality be damned!