I guess I'm looking at it in a completely different way. I seem to seeing allot of Survival, off-grid, zombie killing, U S invading, movies and series on TV and the box office lately. Terra X, Fallen Skies, Walking Dead, Revelation, think we are getting prepped by our own government? Obama's turning us into a third world country getting us vulnerable for invasion. All these neat little flicks do is get the thinkers primed and the sheep saying "great movie" and going home to their humble abode. Just seems funny this all happening over the last 2 years. When does Jupiter align with Mars again? But uh, yeah, I'd go see the movie, still loved the first one. They don't know how to make movies anymore so they gotta remake old ones. But some movies you just don't mess with.....i could make a list but I won't.

Be safe.............the night is your friend.