Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
I kinda jumped the gun and bought the All American 15.5 qt from Target for $160, seen the price and couldnt pass it up. Im going to do some more research about using the glass top oven, a guy at work says he uses his for canning and it does fine. I like the turkey burner idea Echo, if the stove doesnt pan out ill be getting me one. Actually i will prob get one anyways cause they look like a handy thing to have around. Thanks for all the info guys, if there is anything else that i should know please dont hesitate to tell me, im always open for advice.
He might be only using a 7 quart canner. I also use the turkey burner or an open fire. We used to have a gas stove in garage which done all the canning and whatever...Women tend to get protective of their kitchen, so I get banished to the outdoors or the shop. Which BTW I just won a 6 month power struggle over my space and her space, well I at least think I won. Time will tell.....LOL.
My GlassTop stove manual says weight is the reason for not canning on them....