Hello all after the crazy events of last week I can finally post this. As a few people may know from previous posts on this site and another my grandparents have a bol free for my use. To preface the story, I helped my grandma and grandpa bury their dog. She had a known heart condition that couldnt be fixed, so we were expecting this. I went up to the bol to help them bury the dog. I was informed by them that anytime I wanted I could build a house on the property. This got me very excited and got the wheels turning. The fiancee and I have had plans for this for a while and were given the official go ahead. We wont be building untill she is done with school and gets a job up there as a physical therapist. Luckily job opportunities are abound, and as long as nothing major happens should still be in a year and a half when shes done. I can do much of the work myself as my father and I are jacks of all trades and have built and finished many houses. Ive worked cement, electrical, roofing, rough construction. Ive done almost every project you can imagine.

The property is 80 acres mostly wooded with three large ponds. We have electricity, two wells and 2 hand pump wells. There is a large hill we have on the west side, a major ditch on the east side, un-improved road on the south, and a few large homes on another 80 acres on the north. The area is a few miles from a small town. The ground is mostly gravel and sand, some areas are a peat bog, and the rest is wooded with good soil. There are many deer, small game, and ponds are stocked. Agricultural land is limited on the property but there are thousands of ag land around us. Right now we have 3 mobile homes set up as cabins for my grandparents, my dad, and my uncle.

I am hoping for a 3 bedroom house, with large pole barn. A full basement with a room blocked out which I will finish for shelter and storage. I would like solar and electrical for power as backup to grid power. Also I want it super insulated, with lpg and a wood stove for backup, and a open floor plan. Also I would like brick outside and a metal roof. Would also like to have a nice porch to enjoy the nature. Ive done lots of research but am still unsure on many things.

These are my basic ideas. Now for my questions:
How can I design the house for natural cooling?
What type of lighting?
What type of fridge?
12v or 120?
Fue and LPG Storage?

I know these are just a few questions on this. I have plenty more I cant think of right now. Please let me know some things I missed. We are excited to look forward and start planning this to make it easier when the time comes. We have alot to look forward to and are excited for input and ideas.