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Thread: What have you done to prep this week?

  1. #421
    Senior Member

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    northern IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    I went through my entire kitchen, cabinet by cabinet, drawer by drawer, and threw out/packed away anything that didn't have to be there. Freed up quite a bit of space, and just made everything neater. Also gave me a good idea what I need to focus on for my upcoming Pantry remodel.
    I am doing the same thing, only whole house. We plan on putting our house on the market in 2013 and it will probably take that long to get through our junk. We are planning on switching from big house, small yard to smaller house, big yard and garden. Maybe some chickens if they are allowed!

    I paid off one of the credit card balance transfers before the zero percent expired. It feels good, but there is a lot more where that came from!

    I realized last week that my family is not used to trying new foods, which will be a problem if things go to hell and we have to cook something strange just to survive. I am starting slow with familiar foods that I just haven't cooked before, like lasagna and shepard's pie. It is going better than expected with my husband, and just as expected with our picky 6 year old. I really want to have our daughter eating things like asparagus and mild curries without complaint by summer. One can only hope.

  2. #422
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    I got two 15 gallon drums for water storage for $15 each at my local feed store. They are the blue food grade that Emergency Essentials sells for ~$45 each. They must have had cherry syrup concentrate in them, because they sure smell like it! It was a great deal. Incidentally, the reason I only buy water storage in the smaller sizes is that 15 gal x 8.33 lb/gal = ~ 125 lbs, about the most I can move by myself without significant risk of injury!
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  3. #423
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    ^^^Grumpy, that's good planning on the weight issue.

    Since it was 50 degrees out today, I hit a flea market. Picked up 4 boxes of 00 buck, a load of fishing hooks and sinkers, couple folding tables and a few loose tools. I didn't have $20.00 in the whole package.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  4. #424
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    I just canned chicken veggie soup (will add the noodles when we are ready to eat it) for the first time! Had lots of broth left over so I canned it too so now I'll have stock to use later to make other stuff! It tasted really good....I took a sip! Yummy!

  5. #425
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    I worked on the drainage ditch that runs across the front edge of our property. The water drains towards it and I've spent time off and on all summer/fall enlarging it and making sure the water can flow.

    It's not real sexy but I do want to prepare for bad storms/hurricanes so that we don't end up with Lake Shelton in our front yard.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  6. #426
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I've finally gotten all the construction on the coop finished except for the gutter. I have 300-400 board ft of Oak left over. Some of it is 10-12' wide and pretty clear for non-heart wood. Their is also some 1-1/2" thick stuff. Not sure what I'm gonna do with that yet. On top of that I have 3 other stacks of various stuff, some 2x stuff.
    I needed to organize my stuff better, both in the shop and basement. So I have pulled stuff out of the shop and moved it around so I can build a lumber rack to get all my spare lumber in one space and organized for use as needed. I got started on the rack today and hope to finish assembling it tomorrow. Maybe get some of my lumber on it as well.
    I also got a big shelving unit put up in the shop today as well. It's about 39" tall x 49" wide with three shelves. It's gonna be for spare parts for the truck and tractor, some oil and fuel treatments.
    One of the best things, I got a work bench cleaned off and ready to move to the basement to set my reloading set up on. The bench was one my GrandPa's. I got it when he passed. I also found a old vise that was his. I forgot I had it. It needs cleaned up and put to use again. It's gotta be a 40's or 50's era version, weights a ton for as small as it is.
    Getting all this stuff sorted and organized is going to give me a lot of room to do other things and should have all this done well before time to start planting the garden.

  7. #427
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    Going out to buy some ammo for my newly purchased Mosin Nagant. I figure a 440 round sardine tin is about all my shoulder will handle

  8. #428
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msomnipotent View Post
    I am doing the same thing, only whole house. We plan on putting our house on the market in 2013 and it will probably take that long to get through our junk. We are planning on switching from big house, small yard to smaller house, big yard and garden. Maybe some chickens if they are allowed!

    I paid off one of the credit card balance transfers before the zero percent expired. It feels good, but there is a lot more where that came from!

    I realized last week that my family is not used to trying new foods, which will be a problem if things go to hell and we have to cook something strange just to survive. I am starting slow with familiar foods that I just haven't cooked before, like lasagna and shepard's pie. It is going better than expected with my husband, and just as expected with our picky 6 year old. I really want to have our daughter eating things like asparagus and mild curries without complaint by summer. One can only hope.
    Do you think if you have her actually help you make these new dishes she will be more apt to try them? I think kids are more open to things that they are involved in or think that they have a "choice" in. Maybe with the asparagus melt a little cheddar cheese on top to start with? Think like a kid and not like a grown up.

  9. #429
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    Filled up another five gallon gas can using PRI-G gas preserver. Put 40 pounds of white rice into buckets. Bought several BOGO Chunky Soups at Publix.

  10. #430
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatty View Post
    Going out to buy some ammo for my newly purchased Mosin Nagant. I figure a 440 round sardine tin is about all my shoulder will handle
    But... what about the next day? and for stocking?

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