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Thread: What have you done to prep this week?

  1. #401
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Everything as stated above and maybe Google earth or some other satillite imaging to get an overview of your property and building ; garden ; animal set ups.
    Google earth and Acme mapper are the first things we check out. DH is totally detailed oriented when it comes to land, topo, water sources, name it. That's what has taken us 2 years to find a piece to find. Sometimes he gets a little too detailed that it can get crazy. But we get through it and go on. Thanks for all of the great advice guys! I know this is a huge undertaking and I keep seeing earth movers and changing the total landscape even though I know it won't be that bad (I hope)...I just think it's going to be a nightmare with all of the mess of creating roads and leveling somewhere to put the houses because I know the place we decide to put them won't be where the land will be cooperative! Of course I will want to overlook water and still have south facing windows and shelter from the north...the constrction for maximum energy effeciency has to take as much of a priority as the view. Those nasty little details that I just know I'm going to forget as we go along! So keep up with the advice and if I already know it, fine...but if I don't, wonderful!
    Might not be on here too much over the next week or so due to Christmas, my son is coming home from college and there is so much to do before family comes up from Fl next week as well. So I'm not ignoring any of you, just busy as I'm sure most of the other Ladies here are. Thanks again everyone!!! Merry Christmas to all!

  2. #402
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    I can only wish you and the husband the best of luck in pulling this off. I believe time is short but I have all the confidence in you two. Remember detail is everything within reason. You just have to find the middle ground.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with safe travel for all family members to and fro from your residence.

  3. #403
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    I went and picked up our beef from the slaughter house. We now have about a half freezer full of meat.
    Did the same thing, I cheated this year and had the slaughterhouse make all of my sausage and trail bologna this year instead of doing it myself. Seems like Ive got so many damn irons in the fire, that Im finding it hard to keep up!

  4. #404
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    That's no joke! I'm having trouble figuring out which iron to pick up next. Between that and company over seemingly on a constant basis. I've had a hard time getting anything done the last 2 weeks.

  5. #405
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    I haven't done much this week. I recharged the jump starter thingy for my car and re-read the directions. I bought a little silver with money I made from a survey, so it was like free silver for me. I bought two turkeys that I plan to can after the holidays. The weird thing is I got a container of formula mailed to me from Similac. My only child is almost seven years old. I'm keeping it just in case.

  6. #406
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I've been too busy to do much this week. I was able to pick up oil and filters for the truck. Filters for the tractor as well. I've got a bunch of PM's to do coming up this winter. Plus I want to start keeping regularly performed maintenance spares on hand. They will be cheaper now rather than later. Plus they'll last a while if I need them to.

  7. #407
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Well, I picked up an 870 extended tube a while back and needed to pair it up with something so I got an 870 to go with it. Its like women with shoes and I picked up enough 1x boards to build a 16 x 20 shed 8' tall. Got them from my lumdermill buddy for a steal. Won't use them till next spring but nice to have just in case.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  8. #408
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Just finished emptying out the oil and gas in the generator. Stocked up on new oil to put in it when the time comes, and filled up the extra gas can for it that I emptied out.

    Quote Originally Posted by msomnipotent View Post
    I haven't done much this week. I recharged the jump starter thingy for my car and re-read the directions. I bought a little silver with money I made from a survey, so it was like free silver for me. I bought two turkeys that I plan to can after the holidays. The weird thing is I got a container of formula mailed to me from Similac. My only child is almost seven years old. I'm keeping it just in case.
    I did the same thing you are with the Similac. I did a baby survey once and now I get tons and tons of baby food sent to me. Not only do I keep it stored, since that stuff is good forever almost, But Ive gotten at least 400 jars of it set aside! if anything, it can be disbursed out to those with little children.
    Last edited by Stormfeather; 12-23-2011 at 12:54 PM.

  9. #409
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    NOt much!!! made three \potluck dinners to take to various functions out of nothing but the dehydrated food I had saved.

    1. chili
    2. lasagne
    3. deer stroghanoff.

  10. #410
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Got a few goodies under the tree, just waiting for tomorrow, gave wife a want/need list dunno what she picked.

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