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Thread: What have you done to prep this week?

  1. #51
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Cleaning out a large closet this weekend. Been trying to get the prep storage set up better. i sorted everything as it came out, relabled before it went back in, and my god you can't beleive the pile o crap gettin toosed.

    I found a bunch of first aid supplies, lite sticks, 2 boxes of 00 buck for the shotgun, and almost 1000 rds of 9mm. SWEET.
    I was able to fit all our backpacking gear, food stocks, first aid gear, and food production (kitchen) supplies packed out. And I still have room for our BOB's.

    Pantry is next.

  2. #52
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    100 rds .40 and a lensatic compass.

  3. #53
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

    Grumpy Old Man's Avatar
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    Organized my local area 7 1/2 minute topo maps (about 200). Reset the declination on my Brunton pocket transit. And I went through 2 duffle bags a friend gave me Monday- scored 3 steel Korean war vintage canteens with covers, 1 with the cup; 3 shelter halves, 2 Korean war era web canteen belts, 2 small backpacks of the same era, 19 steel tent stakes an about 40 feet of 1/2" sisal rope. And continued to research my tomato leaf curling issues.
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  4. #54
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Just ordered a C-A-T Holder to replace the bungee currently holding it to my IFAK. Its my first Father's Day gift ever. Pretty cool.
    Consilio et animis


  5. #55
    Resident Seafood Procurement Officer

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    Mar 2011
    Ordered another 1K of 7.62x39. Be here next week. Trying to decide on Wolf 5.56 or not. Do not mind running wolf through the AK, but the AR is another thing.

  6. #56
    Do you have change for a canned bacon?

    AlphaTea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piranha2 View Post
    Ordered another 1K of 7.62x39. Be here next week. Trying to decide on Wolf 5.56 or not. Do not mind running wolf through the AK, but the AR is another thing.
    I have shot up a few K of Wolf 5.56. Never had a problem with it, mostly used in the Mini-14 and some in the AR-15s. Sometimes I wonder about the 'rep' that wolf has or if I am just setting myself up for failure. I use it for practice only. It is OK by me.

    2 more buckets of rice and a case of pintos
    All that talk about canned BACON in the other thread, well, I couldn't resist it, I bought another case

  7. #57
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Worked on a public service event yesterday. We provided communications for a 115 mile bicycle ride. This ride is in the mountains in very remote area where there are no comms to speak of, cell phone coverage is spotty at best, even in some spots we have little to no comms using ham radio. It's very good practice to come up with the best set up for your personal stations, as well as, repeaters and digipeaters.
    The weather was hi 70's- lo 80's for the first 75 miles, which is the point where the hard climbing begins (the ride has elevation changes of 10,000'+ over the length). Within 10 miles the temp started dropping and by the time they got to the top of the climb the temp had dropped into the lo 50's with 35mph constant winds, gusting up to 45-50mph. Along with this was light to moderate rains and heavy fog. Luckily we never had lightning to speak of.
    We ended up having to shuffle 50-75 riders down from the top. Most were concerned about the fog, visability ranged between 25-100 yards for several hours. It was hard to tell where the road was, little on see the riders on the road. Some others were hypothermic and their muscles were starting to lock up. The ride organizers had a tent set up for them to get out of the rain and wind, and us hams, were able to get them in our trucks with the heaters going to help them warm. A couple of us also had some space blankets and the folks were very greatful for those.
    It made me think it would be very worthwhile to have several of these in multiple places, GHB, BOB, Cars, most anywhere you can think of. They are not needed very often, but are just the ticket on occasion.

  8. #58
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Dont know if this counts towards prepping for some, but i just bought a 16ft car trailer. Living within the city limits, ill be bugging out if something bad were to happen. So something to load my gear and supplies on is a plus in my book.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  9. #59
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    I picked up some more beans (30 lbs total)-and some can goods. 150 rds of .45. I made a small survival tin for Kodiak to carry. I kind of acquired a 16 ft car trailer that Kodiak bought and its at my location. Now I don't have to stuff everything in my horse trailer-lol.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  10. #60
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Kodiak I sure think the trailer fits. I have one, mainly to haul the tractor and equipment on. Tractor could go in a bug out, but it will sure hold a t least 4-5 tons of gear easily. I would like to design some kind of sides/rack and top for it. More security and to keep the weather off.

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