Quote Originally Posted by GunnerMax View Post
The numbers are easy, as there is a pattern to those. But Damn Samuel Morse. There are no patterns to letters....

@BRR13, I am already helm and lee helm qualified (former deck seaman)
Yeah, nothin ever comes easy, but you are a viable asset. Cross training is essential to the crew/team's survival. Someone can go down at any time for any reason. I'm a firm believer in "Everyone should try to know everyone's job" as much as possible, cross train!
So, former deck seaman eh? Then you know bridge "etiquette"? We learned that from the English ya know? Way too much micro management. (KISS) nuff said.
Argghhh Laddie, left 10 degrees rudder steady course 187. All ahead two thirds Gunner!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.