helo hoping you get home soon. Been crazy here. Gov. shut everything down til after Easter so told the family to stay put this year. Grands are not happy they can't come to Grandma& Grandpas and hunt eggs but they understand it's to keep us oldies safe. Went to store to pick up DH's scripts during the "senior" time, Doc changed a few. BRR, lady you'll get a kick out of this, got yelled at by old lady, said I was too young to shop then. Had to whip out the DL and Birth cert(yes I carry a copy) to prove I'm 65. Her hubby (after he kinda hollered at her) said I must have some really good genes. Told him Yup and I have a really good pair of slacks at home too(ala Groucho Marx). Got everyone laughing. They are rationing a lot of stuff now, milk, produce. My friend who works at the natural store told me to come to their senior hour as they do have a good bit of fresh produce and fruit, so it's off to the store to see if I can pick up some squash, celery, tomatoes, etc.Geez I can't wait til I can get the garden going this year. I hope you are all safe.