So finally have a chance to sit down and catch up on the threads! Lots been going on here on this end, lets see if I can give you all the cliff notes..

1- Wife graduated Navy Basic, shes currently waiting for her "A" school to start, In the meantime, shes doing watch, command duty, and all the fun things that come with learning the military lifestyle.

2- Business partner is still getting settled in. He moved out here from California and turns out all the upgrades on his house is taking 1-2 months longer, I warned him this may happen, so he ended up having to buy a house trailer to live in out on his property while the home refurb is done. Nice part about it is, he was prepper-curious, and now hes learning to ration water, power, and how to divy up his food stocks. He took one look at my pantry and hes already buying foods by the case! Hes going to be a real asset to the team here and cant wait til he gets settled in!

3- We cleared out 1.5 acres of woods, cut it all down, topped it, logged and split it and got it all stacked. Hes still not sure of why hes doing it, but as it goes on, he will see the wisdom of it! One a plus side, on the side of his hills on his new property, we found a partially constructed deer stand that was 12x12 feet and 5 feet off the ground. As is currently stands it has no walls, but we are going to make it a project to finish before deer season.

3-We've now planted 6 apple trees, but he also decided to till up a section of valley between two of his hills that was planted with pine trees but was infested with burdocks (Cockle burr plants). The plus side was he got rid of all the burr plants, the downside, the guy who tilled it all up killed 100 or so 1-2' tall pine trees. So now hes going to replant with turnip and clover and make it a huge food plot for the deer which bed down there anyways.

4- We picked up 5 blue 50 gallon barrels to establish his rain catchment system, he got them for 10 bucks each.

5- We had a freak frost happen over the weekend I was gone, so I lost a ass-ton of my seedlings and freshly potted plants, so Ive replanted a bunch to try and catch back up. Pain in the ass, but needs to be done.

6- Talked my business partner into getting bee's, some of his apple trees need to be cross-pollinated, so it was somewhat necessary anyways, Im sure the bees would find the trees anyways, but might as well add a couple of bee boxes to ensure it happens. Plus the added benefit of honey makes it a definite plus.

Other than that, working on adding to the stores as much as we can, and keeping the house going without burning it all down!