Hi all,
Hope you're all doing well. Stove is in, YEAH!!!. Was talking with neighbor cross the street about me learning to pressure can and she said she wanted to learn too. Since the tomatoes are gone off the branches of the plants,seems the squirrels and/or the raccoons may have stripped them off the plants including the ones with blossom rot, going to have to hit the farmers market. I'm going to invite my neighbor to go in with me on some produce and learn to pressure can veggies and fruit with me. we both water bath can things but neither one of us have pressure canned before. I think we've also lost the entire crop of apples this year as well. They didn't get sprayed in time due to the copious amounts of rain we got this spring, every one of them is either too buggy or rotting on the trees.This has not been a good year for anything, my neighbors garden is almost a bust too. I think they have squash and cukes but pretty much nothing else, that's what they've told us.We trade produce with them. He was ripping out plants this past week end, he didn't look too happy either. However the deer are anxiously waiting till the apples ripen and fall off the trees, LOL. Good thing we both have full larders to get us by this winter. DH and our neighbor will be trying again next year. Haven't seen any of the "Sorry for the inconvenience" signs in our local stores yet but I'm sure that might be happening soon. How's it going for the rest of you? Have a favor for you all, DH is a census worker this year (and next) so be kind to them OKAY?Have a good Labor Day Week-end and stay safe.