We are not yet living off our stored supplies. Last month we did need to break into the water supply and used about 20 gallons of water as we were on a temporary period without water supply. We knew it would be back in in two days. Where we live in the late, great state of Kalifornya, our water quality is good, so no need to stock up on bottled water. We are good on everything else for sometime. After a month or so, we will constantly be evaluating the situation.

My wife is now thankful for the prep work I have done over the years. Certainly I have not done near as much as some on this forum, but we will be sufficient for a few months. It will be interesting to see how the food supply chain is in a few months. In this area of the country the supply chain is working just fine, it is simply that people are panic buying.

We have been having rainy weather, at least for SoCal, but I have been working on my boysenberries, they are almost finished. All fruit trees were pruned and peach and apricot are in bloom. We have a huge crop of oranges and the avocados are doing well, though small. If I can just keep the bears, coons and squirrels from my trees we will be seeing a great crop.

We are both seniors, I am 70, wife 69 but in generally good health, though I have dealt with a slight bit of melanoma skin cancer. We are fortunate that we have a number of younger friends who are already picking up things for some of us "old folks."