Good Vodin. We spent most of the afternoon out yesterday putting a roller system in to open the chicken door from outside the pen, plus installing the door and slide system. The sweat bees and flies were eating us alive. Just glad we didn't get the deer flies yet. Anyway got the door/slide installed and adjusted where it works easily.

Still picking blueberries, but now we are fighting the turkeys. I've seen a hen with a bunch of young ones (6-10) in the neighbors field. It's getting time to run a electric fence around the garden to keep them out. Also put up 1/2 bushel of peaches, had a hard time staying out of them.

Picked up 1600 CCI Mini Mags in .22.

I've also spent some time this week looking into solar systems. I need to run power out to the shop and I'm considering using solar for that. It will cost more, but if SHTF I will still be able to do some of the things that I would need to do. It would be built with the capability of adding more panels to increase output.