We had a good week, actually just the past couple of days. Yesterday we found 9 Buff Orpingtons hens on Craigslist. They were probably hatched around March, so they should start laying in the next month or two. They look great and did well today when we let them out of the coop. Our other hens pretty much stayed away from them. I hope they get use to each other pretty quick.

Today I went and picked up 7 open top 55 gallon drums, with lids and rings. These will be used for chicken feed, some corn and wheat I have, and probably 1-2 for dry goods. Someone posted a while back about storing TP in barrels. The idea struck a chord with me. 1 of the barrels will be used for that.

We also canned 5 more jars or tomatos, 9 jars of pickles and froze 2 gallons of corn and another gallon of grapes (which will become jelly once the whole crop is in.