The ground frost has sunk below 7 feet in my city, and over 700 people have had their pipes freeze, with another 3000 on an at-risk list (mostly old homes), my parents home being one of them at risk. The city told them to run a tap in their house at a slow trickle (approx 4 litres and hour) and they will be credited te water consumption on their bills.

what does this mean for me? Free water!!!!

I have been making trips there daily filling up all of my saved gallon milk jugs, taking them back to my place and filling up my water catchment systems. The city figures it will be this way for at least a few more weeks.

Sadly, this will prob mean that water rates will explode next year... But in te mean time it's all gravy for this years gardening season.

@stormfeather I never have any luck dehydrating potatoes. I can never get them to rehydrate to a palatable consistency. Any tips?

@bacpacker damn rights it's global warming. Can't think of another reason for such wild climate swings in the last decade