Quote Originally Posted by Caveman Survival View Post
Ak.... You'd hate it here then.. We earn the nickname winterpeg.

@bacpacker no disrespect taken. My response to you was a sly jab which somewhere turned into a vent about those (not you) who dismiss climate change and global warming and pin some kind of tree hugging conspiracy on lefty's and their pandering to the green energy contingent. As I have said before and will continue to preach until I die... Left and right only care about who's contributions will carry them politically forward. And while donations and hefty board appointments come there way, it's the people who suffer from their exploitation of our world. Many greens have a twisted outlook on what is safe viable energy as well.... But that's a discussion for another time or another thread. I'll stop hijacking this one... For now hehehe
Left/Right, different sides of the same coin!

The fishing bug is hitting here to. 70s Sunday bout did me in. Then we got a dusting of snow last night. Back in the sixtys this weekend. Glad my fruit trees havent bloom yet.