Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
Correct me if I am wrong, but that sounds like the Pinawa area...
I use a plant called rag weed or stink weed for bug control, what did you use?

Got any pics of your adventure?
How was fishing?
On the money sniper. I harvested sage and pineapple weed for bug control. Worked for everything but the spiders.... Not sure how to prevent those bites, but after bite treatment was simple using steeped green tea leaves and plantain weed. Also used plantain for slivers, minor cuts and scrapes.

I have a few pictures on my instagram @cavemansurvival. About midway through my trip I stopped taking pics to just focus on what needed to be done.

I had two friends come with me and one brought his dog... A well trained black lab named raider. What a help. He retrieved all the blackbirds I shot, pulled out all the ridge poles and smallish wood I chopped down. He'd bring them to the pile, run back in to where I was cutting and do it all over again.

Fishing was ok. Got better once I started using frogs as bait. I have to admit though, I'm not the greatest fisherman, but I got some food in my belly so I guess that's good enough.

I'm planning a couple of days hike on the mantario trail in late September / early October. I'm preparing for that now... Getting work on my stamina and cardio