Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
I am stuck down in Guyana South American for a unknown amount of time, thousands of miles away from all my preps. But at least the family is well stocked up. Hopefully I can get home in the next few months.

At least so far down here, things seem calm. No shortages of anything (at least out of the norm). Went to the go cart track today and ate hot wings and had a few coronas. Work is getting slow because there are not flight into the country now. So the people offshore are going to be there till this stuff clears up, so my work load should be pretty easy. Just sucks not having access to all my guns, knives, supplies. I do have a water purification straw here, and one crappy knife. but that is all.

Yikes, it's nutty up here in TX. hope your family is doing alright in your absence.