We finally got the back pasture bush hogged today. Took the easy route and paid a neighbor . It's amazing what a difference that makes! I am tall, and in many places the grass and brush were over my head. Now it looks so empty.....and ready to have the fence finished, so we can put the horses back there, and hopefully by the end of the year *fingers crossed* a bred cow, maybe a young steer or two. Fencing will be next, no doubt, after we get the darn poll shed finished.

AK, sorry to hear about your job. Don't rule out TN in your job hunt! Here in the Nashville/Clarksville area, we have a pretty good economy, and jobs all over. My husbands employer is hiring every single day, they employ over 3,000 workers. He has been promoted 4x in just over 1.5 yrs, simply by showing up on time and not not being overly stupid. There are a lot of companies moving to TN (or recently moved here) for all kinds of reasons. So, something to consider I hope something works out for you, and soon!