I curious about something. We have 4 cats, so we don't have a "mouse problem", but we do get a fair amount of small field mice in the home. I know this because we have a pest control man come every month to spray mostly for spiders, but all bugs. We live out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. We don't get many small bugs, but do get a lot of spiders, but also small field mice. We do see the occasional one with a suacide wish, but aside from a nest of two in the garage, there are no signs in the house. No food eaten, no droppings anywhere, but every month, under the stove, the poison the exterminator leaves is ravenously eaten. He has tried some under the house with no results. He tells me it's a 100 % death sentence when eaten by them, but they seem to come from miles, just to eat the poison under my kitchen stove. I can't hear them, but the cats sit in front of the stove, listening to them. Never see or smell the dead ones. Maybe is a mouse gang inisheation kind of thing?