Had a Tornado run thru the area last week, somehow ran thru a mobile home park (go figure) and destroyed all of it except one home. So spent the rest of last week and some of this week helping out there as a volunteer on clean up. Got home Friday and helped set up for the pool party I had planned on from last week before the storm craziness. Today, spend time out at the cemetery talking with some old friends and then taking my family to the local Memorial Day parade and dedication afterwards. The wife (Dragonfly) was asked to carry the Navy flag during the ceremony, which to her was awesome! Needless to say, I was proud of her. We was the only military there that was in uniform besides the base chaplain, and the garrison commander. Seems to me there was more in uniform last year.
Next week I plan on looking into setting up the fencing for the back yard, and futzing around a bit here and there, will see where the wind blows me. I had plans back on the 19th to go out to Vivos Xpoint open house in South Dakota, but got waylaid due to the storms. Its an interesting setup the guy has, and hes extended an offer to me thats somewhat hard to resist, so was supposed to check it out, we will see where that goes if I follow thru.