Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
Well Shed is built and siding is up, now for the paint and lock for the door. Laundry room should be completed by next Tuesday, then new washer & dryer gets installed and old ones recycled. Next step reorganize the lower "pantry"(More supplies , YEAH) . DIL and Grands will be here the 15th for a few days ,then to other grandparents for a few . The kids go to the mother for her vacation the 23rd till July 9th. DIL and I head south the 24th so I can take care of her and new grand baby after DIL's back surgery. Will be back week after 4th of July so I maybe dark end of June to after the Fourth, unless I can use Son's laptop. Have a good Fourth my friends and stay safe.
Thanks for the update, be safe as always.