Got back last week from Aunts funeral and was contacted by 2nd brother . He's looking to raise funds so he offered up great grandfathers coin collection (1890s-1950s) before he sold to an outside collector. Me and another brother wanted so it per Pop's instruction , trustee put our names in a hat and 2nd bro was the lucky one. DH wasn't too happy with the extra outlay this month but agreed that collection should stay in the family. Just hoping before something happens I can get it here. No sending thru mail as when trustee sent it to him per U S Post instruction about $500.00 worth of coins came up missing. Brother took pictures of the boxes and yeah someone cut them open and tried to say they were"damaged" in the mail.. SO DH and I have to go out west to get them.Most are 90-95% silver and a lot of copper. After 6-8 months of wrangling Brother only got about $300. in insurance money . That only covered the Morgan Peace dollar that was valued 7 years ago at $300.