Not all this week, more like the past month. I dug 3 rows of onions, harvested a total of 4 bushels. Traded 1/2 bushel for 1.5 bushels of taters. Bought 2 bushels of Jonagold apples, so far have put up 30+ jars of apple butter and 8 jars of pie filling and still have half a bushel or so to go. We always used winsaps or honey crisp for apple butter before, but I think it'll be Jonagold's from now on. Much better taste IMO. I am gonna try and find some trees to plant to replace some others I planted that have died off.
Also still harvesting cayenne and bell peppers. Those should continue up till frost. Harvested 24 butternut squash and a few watermelons. Still hoping to get a few cantaloupes.