
I buy the already made blackberry brandy. I like the blackberry best..though at times I have purchased Apricot or peach brandy. Warming it in the microwave sounds like a good idea...I shall have to try that when next I am ill. So the microwave...makes sense to me!!

Hmmmmmm....I too am not much of a drinker and I expect that has saved me a lot of trouble over the years ...let us compared to the career drinkers I have known.

yes...definitely when I feel bad.

I have policy or practice..I don't drink and operate machinery.
I don't drink and carry concealed ...or reload ammunition...or go to the shooting club when drinking.

I also don't want drunks around me..I have babysat to many of them in my lifetime to want to do it anymore.
I do not like to be around people who cannot handle their drink.

They will pull your membership at our gun club if they find you drinking and handling a gun.

They will let you drink all you want...but don't let them catch you handling a gun/firearm...they will cancel your member ship on the spot and tell you to leave....and rightly so.

Also Domeguy..I'd not thought of putting honey in my alcohol..I shall try that as well....when next I am ill. I like honey on many things.

Thanks for your posts,