Quick update on the Chantix. Did fine Saturday night and Sunday night, however Monday night/Tuesday morning had a full blown panic attack at about 5 AM. Found myself on my back deck portion outside in my pj's. REALLY bad dream, hyperventilating and broken out in hives. You all will get a kick out of this, I was dreaming that Mr. Spock (A Caricature of Leonard Nimoy as Spock,) trying to smother me with a navy blue Saturn shaped pillow. DH said I had been coughing a lot during the night. Spent about 2 hours cleaning my kitchen till I could call my doctor. So we are going to try something different that doesn't cause the nightmares BUT I am continuing to cut back on the number of cigs I am smoking. My goal is to be completely smoke free by my nephews wedding (in Vegas) next month. Thanks in advance for the support!!