We have had a great bumper crop of avocados this season and so far the bears have not hit us. A week ago our neighbor across the street took a pic of one of the bears at a tree of the neighbor immediately north of us and sent it to me just after 0700. She watched him finish harvesting/eating then meander off into the hills. A bit later in the morning saw a super large pile of scat in my back yard that was loaded with kumquat seeds, probably from our neighbor to the west.

We have done well, giving away many avocados and oranges to our friends. Have frozen a few quarts of fresh OJ for winter use. More will be put up. Will harvest some of our blueberries a bit later this morning. It appears we have about 2 quarts. Last year we got almost none, we went out one morning and the bushes were bare! Perhaps a bear or squirrel got them. That is not happening this year!

We laid in a decent supply of batteries, AAA, AA, C, D and 9 volt late last week. I would love to find a decent solar charger that accepts all sizes of rechargeable batteries? Anyone know of any?