Hey all long time no post. We've got 6 of the 7 raised beds all going right now(ANYBODY want salad greens LOL) Been keeping an eye on what's happening here. Had a bunch of idjits start a spike in the the virus No Masks, all grouped up for a restaurant in town over from us.Restaurant had to close down. We're doing good otherwise. DH decided we're going to take a chance and go down to see Son1 and family this week end before the 4th. Face Time isn't cutting it, we've not seen the kids (in person) for over a year now.We'll be taking good precautions and not stopping for food only gas and "potty stops" In and out. Have been stocking up on non food stuffs. I made laundry soap last month, think I went a little overboard. I now have enough for the next 2 years, I followed the directions didn't think it would make THAT much.Have been using it and it seems to work real well and neither of us have had any skin problems, so far. DIL1 had her carpal tunnel surgery (both wrists) and picked up an infection so they had to cancel their trip here. Plus Granddaughter one has moved to dad's and has been accepted into a very good volleyball program. She did a camp last year with the coach. Coach said she was very good, so when coach heard GRD1 was now going to be there , she extended the invite to the program. SO even IF they could travel , they are staying put as GRD1 has to get some instructions to catch up with the rest of the team. So have a Great 4th and stay safe.