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Thread: Vengeance

  1. #81
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    Hey Izzy a little less head swell over that way . J/K

    Glad to see you made it
    lol. couldn't help myself. I feel as if I've been immortalized.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  2. #82
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Been on vacation but I'm back and ready for more writing. Hope to have another installment up shortly.

    I intended to do some writing on vacation but the situation just didn't present itself.

    Anyway, just wanted to keep ya'll up to date.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  3. #83
    Resident Seafood Procurement Officer

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    Thanks man, looking forward to it.

  4. #84
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    They had the worst luck in the world.

    Reynolds and Lowry had found a small wooded patch alongside a back country road to hide and pass the day before resuming their journey once night fell. Seeing the two acre tract of woods and a wide berm separating them from the road, they had chosen to pull the vehicle over and wait out the delay before the relative safety of night returned.

    Figuring that tracks leading into the woods would invite suspicion, they attempted to hide in plain site by pulling over as far as they could but not actually going into the woods. If approached they'd have to improvise an excuse but the suspicion level would be far lower than if they were spotted after driving 600 yards into a dense forest.

    They had made it several excruciating hours of part light-rest, part vigilance without detection. But what their fancy electronic displays and paper maps failed to tell them, what they didn't know, was that they were parked a mile from road from one of the largest shooting and gun clubs in the area.

    The Peacekeepers and Crutchfield's men had appropriated the facility for training use, sending vehicles to it night and day. By tragic coincidence the men parked their Stryker on one the more popular routes their enemy traveled to practice their deadly skills.

    “Lowry, look smart,” called out Reynolds with alarm. “We got company.”

    Awake immediately, despite his exhaustion, Lowry spotted them out the commanders turret. “Shit. Looks like a Humvee and a Hilux.”

    “Same, same,” replied Reynolds.

    Both men watched as the two vehicles rolled to a stop twenty yards in front of them. A young Private popped out of the Humvee and casually approached them.

    “Toss up your hatch,” said Lowry.

    “Huh? What am I going to say to this guy?”

    “Beats me,” replied Lowry. “you got any jokes about soldiers and loose women?”

    Both men knew their banter was a cover for the fear that lingered in their souls. Pushing those thoughts out of his mind, Reynolds threw open the drivers hatch, which pivoted upwards like an awning.


    “So Mike, looks like you have yourself a fancy setup here,” said Miller as he looked over the grungy room that served as DeMetire's office. “Lots of potential”.

    “Well, us grunts don't get all the fancy cars and luxurious accommodations like you super-dooper spy types.”

    Getting down to business immediately, the Captain asked Miller, “so what the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on a ranch somewhere with your girls?”

    “Well, ole Senator Donovan changed those plans a bit.” Miller gave his old friend the summary version of the attack on the ranch, Kirilenko and their trip north.

    Miller asked, “so what's the sitrep on your end Mike?”

    DeMetrie briefly explained their activities over the past year and the current situation with Lowry and Reynolds. “All in all, our op tempo has gone to nill till we can get them back. Every hand is on deck until I give the word. And now those two maniacs stole a damn Stryker and are using it to make their way to the river. I tell you, some-days its all just too much.”

    Without hesitation Miller asked, “What can we do to help?”

    “Well, my plan is to send my main force upriver, east of this town here,” said DeMetrie as he pointed out Batavia on a map. “Maybe just east of New Richmond. They are going to set up a perimeter and start working north till they meet up with the boys. Once they rendezvous they'll all make their way back to the river. We should be far enough east to avoid a head-to-head confrontation. We can't afford that right now.”

    Looking over the map for a bit, Miller mused. “I think I have an idea that can help us both out.”

    Rubbing his brow in mock anguish, the Captain stated flatly, “Why do I get the idea this is going to be another one of your cockamamie ideas using exploding cows or tornadoes or some shit?”

    Miller smiled. “You've got exploding cows?”


    “You guys going to the urban combat class?” called out the Private.

    Not knowing what to say Reynolds replied as casually as possible. “Yea. Cept our gear went tits up and the Sarge wanted to wait for someone to come along for us to follow.”

    “You can follow us,” said the Private. Reynolds watched as another solider exited the rear of the Humvee. Instead of approaching the Stryker, he stood to the side of his vehicle and surveyed the eight wheeled beast from behind the safety of the Humvee's armored door.

    The Private was nearly back to his transport when Lowry called out, “shut that damn hatch.”

    As he had done for so many years, Reynolds complied immediately.

    Lowry continued as he watched the young Private spin around at the sound of the hatch slamming shut. “Once they hear our lame-ass story, any squad-leader with sense is going to radio back to HQ. It won't take much to figure out this is the Stryker that got jacked.”

    Watching the Private and other solider dive back into the Humvee, and hearing their engine turning over, Lowry grabbed the joystick that controlled the Browning M2 .50 machine gun mounted in the small turret. Hearing the whine of the electric motors that controlled it, he centered the cross-hairs of the weapons station display on the lead Humvee.

    “Fire this puppy up. We're going to have to haul ass.” he called out while his thumb mashed the red plastic button that activated the iconic weapon.

    While muffled inside the vehicle, he listened to the distinctively deep thump, thump, thump of the gun as 619 grains of armor piercing ammo belched out the end of the machine gun, one after another.

    The Humvee didn't stand a chance. Despite it's light armor kit the heavy round, fired from twenty yards away, bore into the metal and punched hole after hole in the windscreen. Rounds crashed through, passed through bodies and seats, and kept going through bodies in the rear seat. The Private was the last to die but he only outlived his comrades by mere seconds.

    While the heavy machine gun finished off the Humvee, and the Stryker's diesel roared to life, Lowry watched the Hilux slam into reverse in an attempt to escape the destruction. Tires spun on the back country asphalt road sending up plumes of smoke.

    The Peacekeepers would face the same fate as the men in the Humvee. Without stopping firing, Lowry swung the turret and watched as pieces of the Hilux immediately began separating from the truck under the impact of the heavy copper and lead rounds.

    The driver, panicking in the face of the onslaught, turned the wheel too sharply and tipped the truck on two wheels. As the lightly armored truck disintegrated under the unrelenting pounding of the M2 the vehicle completed its upending in a pile of dust and flying bits of sheet-metal.

    For three more seconds, an eternity, Lowry pumped rounds into the truck. It didn't matter, it's occupants were already dead.

    He called out, “go, go, go. Get us the hell out of here.”

    Reynolds mashed the accelerator and felt the inertia as the huge vehicle launched forward. With the flick of the wheel, the Stryker jumped back onto the road as it accelerated rapidly.

    “Where we going?” asked the driver.

    “Head to the second location we noted on the map,” said Lowry referring to the preplanned location they had chosen as their next hide should they have to leave this one in a hurry.

    Without a pause he asked, “Is it wrong that the Ma Duce gives me a boner every time I hear it fire?”
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  5. #85
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Another good Chapter Stig. Hope you had a great vacation.

  6. #86
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    great one, brother. i'm digging this story
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  7. #87
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    “You sure this is a good idea son?” asked a clearly concerned Papa. He had always trusted Miller in the past, and with good result, but this was a big pill to swallow.

    “Best I can come up with in short notice Papa. If it works it solves a bunch of problems. Plus I owe this Captain DeMetrie. He's a good man and his men need the help.”

    “You sure do like to make my life miserable. But I agree that this will solve a lot of problems on many levels. I'll start working the phones and have word to you by 17:00 about the equipment you need. Standby.”

    “Roger that Papa.”

    “Miller, listen, I know you hung up your spurs, and I'm not one to go all soft, but you're helping out an old man and he appreciates it,” said Papa in a strangely soft and gentle tone.

    “You can thank me if I pull this off.”

    Papa tried to think of a witty reply but realized the phone line had already gone dead.


    “Miller, I don't know about this. You're asking me to put a lot of my men in harms way,” said a clearly concerned Captain DeMetrie. “And I'm not sure the payoff is worth it.”

    As he sipped on a soda, Miller looked across the small table at his friend, “Mike, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. But this is the best way. It gets Lowry & Reynolds back, gets me across the river and solves a few other irritating issues too.”

    Drawing in a long, deep breath, DeMetrie thought over the ramifications of what Miller was proposing. He'd long respected Miller's original thinking and risk taking, but with DeMetrie back in command of a regular unit the chances for disaster loomed larger than ever. That it would impact more people didn't help matters.

    “Ok, let's get to work planning this out. We only have a couple hours,” finally said the Captain.

    “Looks like Butch and Sundance ride again,” said Miller with a certain satisfaction.

    “Yea, something like that. I'll have Webb and Dink outfitted with gear and tell Saxon to get the men ready. In the meantime you better hope your friend can come through with the other equipment.” DeMetrie looked Miller deep in his eyes to gauge the level of confidence he held in Papa. It was clear that confidence was absolute.

    “Do me another favor would you?” asked Miller as the Captain stood to summon his aide.

    “Jesus, now what?” asked the somewhat exasperated DeMetrie.

    Miller smiled and said, “let me brief my men. Keep the military stuff on your side of the house.”

    It was DeMetrie's turn to smile, “and the super-secret exploding cow stuff on yours. Got it.”


    “So we're not going with you?” asked Dink, somewhat surprised at the news Miller had just broken to him. Miller had just gone over the outline of the plan he and DeMetrie had crafted. It was rudimentary and many details still needed to be worked out, but it was enough of an outline to share with the men.

    Webb and Dink would be loaned to Captain DeMetrie to assist with getting Lowry and Reynolds back to safety.

    Looking at his old friend, Miller replied, “Captain DeMetrie needs another set of hands to help bring Lowry and Reynolds back.”

    “Well, what are we going to be doing?” asked Dink.

    Grabbing his friend around the shoulders, “He'll brief you on those details,” said Miller.

    Frowning, Dink said, “Damn man. We've been with you all this way. Feels like we're being sent to the kids table at Thanksgiving.” Webb nodded in agreement.

    Mack, who had been standing in the corner with his arms crossed across his chest, spoke up. “Dink. You don't know this Kirilenko fella like we do. Miller clearly trusts you, and your skills, but this is a whole 'nother situation. That guy is surrounded by security troops, military guys and is a general badass in his own right.”

    “I hear ya boss, but it's not like we're country yokles either,” said Dink.

    Miller, who wasn't in the mood for a debate, regained control of the conversation. “Look, DeMetrie needs help with rescuing two men, men I consider friends, from behind enemy lines. That's pretty damn important. If I didn't think you could help him you'd be coming with me. Fact is, he needs all the help he can get and you've both got the skills to get the job done.”

    And after a slight pause, he added, “so you and Webb go with DeMetrie and Mack and me will deal with Donovan and Kirilenko.”

    Dink, realizing there would be no changing Miller's mind, acquiesced. “Roger that. Sorry, guess all worked up over nothing.”

    Mack, trying to be conciliatory, offered up, “if anything, if Miller didn't trust you, he wouldn't offer up your services.”

    Dink and Webb both frowned but shuffled out of the room and headed towards DeMetrie's office.


    “Pardon me for saying it Sir, but this seems crazy,” opined Saxon. “I mean, we've planned around avoiding an engagement and now you are saying we're going right at them?”

    “No, you're job is harder than that,” said the Captain. “You'll take a bulk of your forces across the river in the usual way. You'll land here,” he said pointing at the map, “just east of the city, but west of the bulk of their blocking force. Your job is to create enough noise and distraction that you draw the blocking force towards the city without getting fully engaged.”

    Whistling though his teeth, Saxon said, “Not that I get a vote, but wow.”

    “Sargent, you don't get a vote,” said the Captain in a stern yet fatherly voice. “But if we stand a chance of getting Lowry and Reynolds back you have to pull it off. You have to get them moving westward. So let's get to work figuring out the details.”
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  8. #88
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

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    and the suspense grows.....
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  9. #89
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    “Ok, let's go,” said Miller and he and Mack pushed the heavy rubber boat off the shoreline of the River. One of DeMetrie's men had helped drive them to the far Western side of the city, beyond the downtown, to an old river crossing called McHugh's Ferry. During normal times a small ferry service operated on across the river, hauling eight cars across at a time to the far shore. The boats had long sense been abandoned but the boat landing was still operational and provided a convenient spot for a river crossing.

    “So how's this going to play out Miller?” asked Mack as they both began silently paddling the boat out into the main current of the river. “ You didn't really outline a plan back there. You just going to stroll into the building where you think he is?”

    Peering though the darkness, Miller replied, “aim to your right more, the current is moving us down-stream too far.” After a slight pause he continued, “We've got to draw Donovan into the open. We'll have more room to work that way and I don't think the two of us, no matter how awesome we might be, are going to storm the Federal Building Kirilenko is using for a headquarters.”

    Starting to work up a sweat from the paddling, Mack replied, “makes sense. But how are you going to lure Donovan out, call him up and invite him for a beer?”

    Chucking softly, Miller said, “something like that but I think he's more of a wine spritzer guy.”

    Scanning the dark river, and straining to push the paddle through the river, Mack replied, “just like always. Miller plays it close to the vest.”

    “Old habits die hard. I just have to figure out where to tell him to meet. On the map it looks like a big open market north of town might be good.”

    After a short pause, Mack suggested something different, “I spent some time in Cincinnati before the war.”

    Interrupting, Miller asked, “what was her name?”

    “Very funny. And she was a very nice young lady. Anyway, there's a big open square right downtown. It's surrounded by a bunch of tall buildings on all four sides. Perfect for an ambush. You lure the old coot out to the open, I'll pop-him from a hidey-hole and we both skedaddle out of there. It's closer to the Federal building so Donovan's more likely to show up on foot and without an armada and with all the buildings there's plenty of places to exfil the area.”

    Thinking for a few seconds, Miller agreed. “Sounds good. You were always the better shot anyway.”


    “Are you sure you heard the message right?” asked Reynolds for the third time since getting their orders several hours earlier. “That sounds crazy”

    Although surprisingly spacious inside, the confines of the Stryker had become more cramped as time slowly ticked by. The temperature had risen to uncomfortable levels but the men continued their vigilant watch for the enemy throughout the afternoon. Hidden away and further camouflaged by netting, their position would be difficult to discover. A vehicle could pass within twenty yards and not see them.

    Still, there had been a couple tense minutes, one in particular, as a small patrol of Peacekeeper's passed through the area. After the incident outside the gun-club the enemy converged on the area and began a search the area. A large contingent had descended on the area in search of the two men and one of the patrols happened to stumble past their location.

    “That's what the man said,” declared Lowry. “The Captain hasn't steered us wrong yet has he?”

    Reynolds didn't reply because he knew Lowry was right. The Captain had always looked out for them and delivered.


    “Sir, eat something. You have been on the go all day,” suggested the Captains aide.

    Looking up from the paperwork on his desk, the Captain let out a long sigh, “Jones, some days you can have my job.” He looked at the plate and was suddenly realized he was famished. Within seconds he was eating the warm food.

    Continuing on after a few bites he said, “Just like always there's a million things that can go wrong here. Every once in a while there's a place in a soldiers soul that questions their ability to get the job done.”

    “Don't worry Sir,” the Private said softly. “The men always come through in a pinch.”

    Glancing up DeMetrie, and suddenly thinking of a man who lay dying on a dimly lit country road, said, “Yes, Jones, but it's their leader I sometimes question.”

    “Eat Sir, you have to be exhausted.”


    Saxon's men landed on the northern shore of the Ohio River, and were soon three-quarters of a mile inland. Most of Crutchfield's men were one to two miles north of the river and were located several miles further to the east.

    Soon his force dispersed into three separate teams. He led the less experience men, while some of the other teams, with extensive time in the field, were combined to form larger groups.
    Whispering across the dark night, Saxon instructed his men, “Go to your assigned objectives. Once you get there, hit it hard and loud. Get as much attention as possible. Our orders are to get the blocking force westward and get the hell out of dodge. Don't get sucked into an engagement.”

    The soldiers silently acknowledged the orders and moved their teams off towards the assigned objectives.

    Looking back at his force of eight men, Saxon nodded his head forward and began the short walk to their first objective.


    Despite the combat that raged in and around downtown Cincinnati, the main waterworks plant remained unscathed by warfare. Most damage to buildings took place to the row of buildings immediately facing the river while the waterworks plant was harbored in safety by geography.

    Equally surprising was that Crutchfield's men chose to leave it lightly guarded despite it blissfully churning out millions of gallons of drinking water per day. Within an hour Saxon's men had successfully eliminated the guards and were busy placing large amounts of explosives in key areas.

    With equal speed, the men cleared out of the building and back to a safe location behind an earthen floor wall.

    Nodding at the man holding the detonator, Saxon watched as the green plastic lever was squeezed, sending an electrical impulse to the charge that would ignite the other, larger, charges.

    The earth literally shook as the explosives mangled the inner workings of the waterworks facility. Steel, concrete and bits of equipment reduced the one hundred and nineteen year old building to a pile of rubble. Several surrounding homes, all abandoned, were also converted into steaming piles of debris by the high order explosives.

    “That's it, lets move on to objective two,” ordered Saxon as the group quickly began weaving their way through the darkened streets before the dust of the destroyed waterworks began to settle.


    Soon the operations center of Crutchfield's forces was inundated with radio calls of explosions, gunfire and other assorted enemy activities. Several of the few remaining gas stations open to the public had been destroyed and were left as blazing infernos. A water pumping station had been wrecked. Two small bridges into the area were blown into the water below while several highway overpasses met the same fate.

    It was obvious that a major enemy action was in the making.

    Within the hour, the bulk of the blocking force, along with the men pulled from the camp that was the original target of the failed airstrike, began moving westward. Some only had to travel a mile or so, while other units had to traverse a longer distance. There were forces in the city and northern areas, and they too began moving towards the sound of gunfire.

    But by early morning the Miller's plan was working. Crutchfield's men and the Peacekeeper's were heading towards the city.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  10. #90
    Resident Seafood Procurement Officer

    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Awesome, keep em coming.

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