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Thread: What would YOU do?

  1. #31
    Junior Member
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    Just a side note, and it's for any scenario. Don't be terrified of tourniquets! They are NOT as dangerous as was thought years ago. Improper improvised ones CAN be dangerous. Those are ones that have a very narrow band (like string, paracord, small rope, etc.) These can cause cimcumferencial (did I spell that right?) tissue damage leading to compartment syndrome, leading to limb loss and other minor side effects.

    Wider banded tourniquets such as the CAT and similar are lifesavers. Military research has shown they can be left on for up to 3 hours without permanent deficits. Look at these devices, and improvise accordingly.

    Bear in mind: infection/complications MAY cause death later, but uncontrolled severe bleeding will cause death NOW.

    Be careful, be safe. May you never need the advice!

  2. #32
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Let's try another one... same scenario, SHTF... you have no support, other than yourself. Your significant other has been whining about their foot for an hour or so, when you stop and remove their shoe, this is what you see:

    Within seconds:

    What do YOU do?
    be specific
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  3. #33
    In his experience the hammer head is better

    apssbc's Avatar
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    What would YOU do???

    I hate feet. I think I would clean it real well. Also clean my pointy object maybe sterilize in a fire. Pop it and drain it as best I can. Then wrap it with clean dressings and let the person rest a few days. Keep the dressings clean and monitor. Admin antibiotics if possible.
    "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson
    "It's less dangerous, to run across a wild animal than a stranger." Vasily Peskov

  4. #34
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apssbc View Post
    I hate feet. I think I would clean it real well. Also clean my pointy object maybe sterilize in a fire. Pop it and drain it as best I can. Then wrap it with clean dressings and let the person rest a few days. Keep the dressings clean and monitor. Admin antibiotics if possible.
    Sounds about right to me.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  5. #35
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m4gery View Post
    Just a side note, and it's for any scenario. Don't be terrified of tourniquets! They are NOT as dangerous as was thought years ago. Improper improvised ones CAN be dangerous. Those are ones that have a very narrow band (like string, paracord, small rope, etc.) These can cause cimcumferencial (did I spell that right?) tissue damage leading to compartment syndrome, leading to limb loss and other minor side effects.

    Wider banded tourniquets such as the CAT and similar are lifesavers. Military research has shown they can be left on for up to 3 hours without permanent deficits. Look at these devices, and improvise accordingly.

    Bear in mind: infection/complications MAY cause death later, but uncontrolled severe bleeding will cause death NOW.

    Be careful, be safe. May you never need the advice!
    Very good advice and something everyone should seriously tuck in the back of their mind (if you don't have one put it in the back of your head). Be mindful of the belt you are wearing. If you don't wear a belt because of "fashion" WELL GET USED TO WEARING ONE IN THIS DAY AND AGE, BECAUSE THE LIFE YOUR SAVING COULD BE YOU OWN OR SOMEONE ELSES! Or you might need to whoop someones ass with it. (have a good stout buckle with an "ANTHEAD")A good broad leather or one or those fancy tactical Cordura belts. This is serious busniess we are talkin here. This Brownwater Riverrat Out!................

    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #36
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    Let's try another one... same scenario, SHTF... you have no support, other than yourself. Your significant other has been whining about their foot for an hour or so, when you stop and remove their shoe, this is what you see:

    Within seconds:

    What do YOU do?
    be specific
    I SEE SOMEONE'S NOT BEING HONEST WITH THEIR GROUP!" After saying a few choice words like "hurts don't it?, how long did you plan on waiting? etc." First I' d have to do a very close examination, there's always a possibility of punture wounds. If none are present treat as a blister as follows: Then It would be "suck it up cause this one's going to hurt, here's my aformentioned leather belt, bite down" I would lance the blister and drain, assuming we are on the move guessing that's how it occurred. Removing from my kit i'd use clean fresh water rinse an fresh gauze to dry, silver sulvadine slave (Burn cream) and then another double 4x4 gauze "dry" and ace wrap. Mean time one of our others would be fashioning a set of crutches for said "blister girl" to continue to hobble on to point "B". Now it there were no others in our group it would take a bit longer so I would have to fashion crutches my self. Also follow up with Benadril and antibiotics that we carry in out BOBs.(Discoloration) Now if there were puncture wounds present that calls for a different scenario. Do not elevate, keep low to prevent toxins from traveling towards the heart. Puncture, drain, oral anti biotics, antibiotic cream. clean dry gauze ace wrap, keep calm and imobile, do not want to heart beat to elevate/increase. Way to far past the "sucking poison" phase. Pull out my hand held Yeasu DT-60 SW radio and GPS give location/situation to authorities for an evac/exraction point. "this is my loved one" as stated in the scenario" Use a loose tourny (control method used here)just above the upper ankle to control circulation. Monitor vitals and treat for shock. Kiss her on the forehead and tell her she's gonna be OK the "sugarbear's here"
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #37
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by apssbc View Post
    I hate feet. I think I would clean it real well. Also clean my pointy object maybe sterilize in a fire. Pop it and drain it as best I can. Then wrap it with clean dressings and let the person rest a few days. Keep the dressings clean and monitor. Admin antibiotics if possible.

    If it truly is a blister a stern talking-to regarding letting others know before bad becomes worse would be added to the agenda.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  8. #38
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    I say you take Mitunnelrat's appendage mounted staby thing from the crushed hand photo idea and go to town on this foot. There will be a lesson learned from this method...I guarantee it. hahahahahahahahaha
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  9. #39
    For the Love of Cats

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    That indeed is a blister, although the cause is slightly different. The victim had bad poison Ivy on the bottom of her foot, and then 'stubbed it' causing the blister. If you look closely at the first photo, you can see the bumps and pustules around the blister.

    This is going to be nasty to treat, for in addition to the blister, you also have the poison ivy to deal with, and all the itchy contagion that it brings.

    Another shot pre-popping:

    And lets say the next day:

    how does your treatment change? what are your follow up steps?
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.



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