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Thread: A Skunk Tale

  1. #1
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    A Skunk Tale

    I ran across this and thought I would share.

    By Traci Smith,

    Several weeks ago on a Wednesday night, after getting home from work and finishing up the chores, I went inside to start supper. Maggie and Boone, our dogs, decided they wanted to go out, so I let them out. A few minutes later, I heard them barking, which is normal, but this was a different bark.

    Seconds later – and I mean seconds – I smelled what I thought was a gas leak. Deciding the dogs would be OK for a few minutes, I started looking for a leak. The smell was so strong, it was hard to breathe. Needing fresh air, I went to the door and walked outside. Turns out the “gas leak” was actually a skunk – in the yard, chasing the dogs. Before I knew what was happening, the skunk turned and sprayed again, this time hitting Maggie. Luckily, Boone didn’t get sprayed.

    Maggie and Boone
    Our loyal and mischievous Labrador Retrievers, Maggie and Boone.

    I have never seen a skunk chase a dog, let alone two 100-pound black Labs, so I was pretty sure it was rabid. I hollered for the dogs and got them in the house. Bad idea, I know, but I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t want to take a chance of them getting bit by a rabid skunk. So, now, in addition to having a tough time breathing, my eyes were watering, I felt sick, and I had both dogs right beside me, letting me know they were protecting me. You’ve got to love their loyalty!

    Leaving the dogs inside, I went back outside. No skunk in sight. The only sign of it was the lingering smell. Well, you can’t shoot a skunk if you can’t see it, but you can trap it – if you’re lucky. We weren’t lucky. We set a trap, but never saw the skunk again, although his “perfume” stuck around for about a week and a half.

    I didn’t think the skunk had got close enough to the dogs to bite them, but I didn’t want to take any chances, so I called the vet the next morning and told him what happened. He checked their records, and they were up to date on their rabies vaccinations, but he had us bring them in for a booster anyway. He chuckled when I told him Maggie had been sprayed, and then he gave me a recipe that I will always treasure.

    For those of you who’ve been lucky enough to never have seen the spray of a skunk up close, it’s oily – thick, greasy and oily. Anyway, the vet said to mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of Dawn dish soap (to cut the grease) with an entire bottle of peroxide and 1/4 cup of baking soda (both of these ingredients kill the smell) in a bowl. Mix it up thoroughly and rub it on the dog. Be very careful not to get it in the dog’s eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Lather it up real good, then rinse it out. He said to be sure and rinse Maggie extremely well or she would turn gray from the peroxide. She’s almost 9, so she’s already gray in areas, but we rinsed her way better than she wanted to be rinsed, in order to make sure most of her stayed black.

    Bathing Maggie is no easy job. She’s 100 pounds, so her baths are given outside in the baby pool. She hasn’t been in the shower since she was little enough that I could manhandle her. However, since it was raining and kind of cold outside, we opted for the shower. Maggie loves water, but she did not like taking a shower one bit. We bathed her every night for a week, and by about the fourth night, she just looked at me as if she was saying, “OK, Mom, just hurry up and get it over with.”

    Between Maggie’s baths, every article of clothing, as well as all the bedding and towels had to be washed (in a wonderful product called Odoban). The curtains got taken down and washed, the rugs got thrown out and replaced with new ones, and the carpets got steam cleaned. It was a torturous week. Unless you’ve had this happen to you firsthand, you have no idea how awful the smell is – and how long it hangs around.

    If I never see another skunk, it will be too soon. I will, however, hang on to the recipe for getting the smell of skunk out of a dog, just in case.

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  2. #2
    Crotch Rocket

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    A Skunk Tale

    Ah... Skunks... They don't like to die easily either. I've trapped two so far, and neither one was much fun, though anyone watching me was sure to be laughing their asses off.

    Ever had a "dead" animal sit up and look at you as you grab the trap to pick it up? Happens about as often as a I run hard - Away from my rifle...
    Consilio et animis


  3. #3
    For the Love of Cats

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    if you are trying to trap skunks, make sure you use an appropriate trap. Sure it is easier to just grab any live trap and bait it for a skunk, but if it is too big, then you will probably get sprayed. Make sure the trap is low enough that they cannot raise their tail. A skunk cannot/willnot spray with their tail down.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
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    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  4. #4
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    Odoban is on my list of things to stock up on. I can say with experience that tomato sauce helps only a little bit. I read you should wipe the oil off with paper towels before getting the dog wet so the oil doesn't sink into the skin. My dog would stink every time she got wet for months after her run-in. If only we knew.

    I hope you didn't jinx me, Taz! My dog gets sprayed whenever anyone brings up skunks. She got sprayed 4 or 5 times this past winter, twice within a few days. Our skunk smelled like burning tire, burning hair, and death. It was not a normal skunk smell. It was so strong that you could smell it a full 2 blocks away. My poor neighbor was pregnant at the time. No wonder our neighbors hate us!

  5. #5
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    MSO I put this up with you in mind. I remembered all the trouble you went through with your dog. I figured you would get a kick from this and everyone could learn about what to do if it happens to them. You for one already know the do's and don'ts about skunks.
    I am me,
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  6. #6
    Crotch Rocket

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    A Skunk Tale

    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    if you are trying to trap skunks, make sure you use an appropriate trap. Sure it is easier to just grab any live trap and bait it for a skunk, but if it is too big, then you will probably get sprayed. Make sure the trap is low enough that they cannot raise their tail. A skunk cannot/willnot spray with their tail down.
    Oh, I wasn't trying for them specifically. After I bought a couple live traps my stepdad started calling me whenever anything got in his barn. I never know what I'm gonna get.

    I did just get a smaller trap from a buddy though. I'll try it next time.
    Consilio et animis


  7. #7
    For the Love of Cats

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    Just be glad it was just the dog!

    6 years ago, I was out at my family cabin late in the fall for some hunting and fishing. It is about 150 miles North of the US border, on the East side of Manitoba. Boat access only. It was late in the fall (Oct-Nov), not long before freeze-up, but still nice out. One morning I decided to go out for a walk to do some chicken hunting, so I got onto a portage behind the cabin, and walked a couple miles back into a forested area. Since it was so nice out, I just wore a pair of shorts, t-shirt, sandles and a cap. I was about 4 miles back, and I noticed a distinct chill in the air as some weather was moving in. I started working my way back to the cabin, but not in too big of a hurry.

    It took about 20 minutes before the snow started falling, large fluffy flakes, and then another 20 before a nasty North wind picked up. I was only about halfway back! I picked up the pace, but by the time I was back there was about 4 inches of snow on the ground, and I had a pretty good chill.

    I stepped up on the wrap around deck, tucked my shotgun up under the eaves, and walked around the corner to get to the door...

    And stopped dead in my tracks. About 5 feet away there was a big ol' boar skunk chewing away on some fish heads he had dragged out gut pail. And of course, he was standing directly in front of the door. We stood there eyeballing each other for what seemed like an eternity (probably because everything was in slow motion), then he hissed at me like a cat, and started bouncing up and down on all four feet as he rotated to face away from me. as he was doing this, his tail got a little higher with each bounce. As he was doing this, I was backing away, trying to get back to the corner.

    Just as I ducked around the corner he let loose with a huge spray, dowsing the front of the cabin, the deck, and me! I took a full hit right up the back. I ran down the deck, off the end and made a bee-line straight to the lake, stripping my clothes off as I went. I grabbed the rope from the boat, tied up my clothes and chucked them in the lake, and then jumped in myself. I grabbed a can of wd-40 from the boat and started soaking myself down with that, watching this black greasy shit ooze off of me. I emptied the entire can, and then swam around to get that off me, then dragged myself out of the water, shivering so bad I was almost shuddering. (The water would have been only a couple degrees over freezing).

    I head back up to the cabin, and there is the skunk, still sitting right in front of the only door, munching away at a Jackfish head. Even though I had the shotgun accessible there was no shot without seriously damaging the cabin/deck. I grabbed a bunch of rocks and started pelting him, as he hissed and slowly sauntered off.

    I stumbled into the cabin so cold I could hardly function. Being that it was so nice earlier, I didn't have a fire going, and wasn't going to start one now, I crawled into my bed, curled up in my sleeping bag and shivered for over an hour before I could warm up enough to get a fire going. I spent the rest of the day sitting by the woodstove working the deep bone chill out of my system.

    The next day... The first thing I did was throw a few casts, and caught myself a nice little jackfish, which I unceremoniously killed, and put out in a decent shooting position. Then I went to work on cleaning the outside of the cabin. That spray is like a thick oil, that just smears when you wipe it. I tried every type of cleaner that we had in the cabin, some helped a bit, most did nothing. Finally I doused the fire, made sure that it, the pipes, everything was cold, and then washed the outside of the wood cabin with gasoline. That took the grease off, and almost all of the smell. I mixed up a soapy water solution and washed it again to get the gas off, and then dumped pail upon pail to give it a good rinsing. Then I waited a few hours before I relit the fire.

    During all of this my little friend came out, and started on his breakfast. He had 3 rounds of #2 for his just deserts!

    I hate skunks!!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.



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