Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
Well it doesn't seem to be too bad of a show. But funny how it seems that all these "disaster survival" series programs are now popping up. Before it was like Taboo, "Jericho" was frowned upon(my opinion). Now they seem to be everywhere, movies, TV, etc. I guess they want us to prepare, Hmmmmmmmmmm? Guess they should call this one the Newt Gingrich hour. In light of he's the only one that was concerned of an EMP strike. But it was a pretty realistic scenario in the beginning of the program, planes falling out of the sky all at once and all. But I didn't like how they skipped the initial chaos, guess they don't want to PUT THE FEAR OF GOD INTO PEOPLE AND MAKE IT TOO REAL! I mean with all the riots, looting, killing, raping, starvation you know................ like New Orleans. Funny, the people of Alabama and Mississippi didn't behave that way...............

Be safe.............the night is your friend.
Jericho was only frowned upon by people who don't want Americans to realize they can "do it" on their own, it was just too red-blooded American for the network. I'll always believe that was the reason for the first time it was cancelled, and it was brought back due to the "nuts" campaign by the fans.