lol. I've got almost a full binder of plans for several different styles. Given the hodgepodge of materials I have available, it will be a hybrid of a couple different ones. I had an engineering coworker check out the forces generated, and know what I need to do to hold it all together. I do, however, have to finish her honey-do list of reno's before I can spend time making 'toys' as she calls it.

Back in university a couple friends and I made a couple 'potato guns' with 6" schd 80 pipe. It had a combustion chamber 14" long, with a remote control sparker. We would go out into the country, set up on opposing mile roads (across a field or pasture) and lob those little baby watermelons at each other.

Oddly enough, when I told her about this, I got a sigh and a head shake too. Must be a girl thing