That's funny since I have been saving all of my lint from the drier for a couple of months now to do that exact thing. Mix the lint and sawdust together, put it in the egg holes, cover with any kind of wax you can be parafin or even all those candles that have been used to the point where they are too small for any practical use anymore where most people throw them away - combine them and melt them down, you can even use old crayons. Get some thick string to use as your wick, position in the center and then pour your wax over your lint and sawdust. Let dry and then cut your carton into sections. They are easy to store since they are small. I would do all of this while the carton is still in one piece though and cut after the project is done. It would be easier to fill.

Great to bring this up 4such! It is even a great project to do with the kids except for pouring the wax. Thanks!!!