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Thread: What is your strongest prepping area?

  1. #11
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Hhmmmm, shooting stuff ??

    I would say I think pretty well outside the box, but for me, there is no box.

  2. #12
    was going to be a smart ass but went official instead
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    My brain. I do not mean that in a conceited way or anything, but if your brain isn't in the right place it doesn't matter what preps you have or how much knowledge you have, you won't be thinking clearly enough to make use of it.
    Second would be my "fight or flight" mechanism, it works pretty damn well. : )

  3. #13
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    prep, i don't know............. i mean i read all the responses thus far, all good by the way. i have the skills i need to survive be it hunting/fishing, gathering foodstuffs, growing foodstuffs, cooking,shelter,security,etc.

    but i can tell you my weakness. my health. i have been disabled for almost a year and it has slowed me down a lot.

  4. #14
    NVG....totally a work deduction!

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    As far as materials go, probably security, I have spent and trained a lot for securing my property. Guns, ammo, armor, night vision, reinforced doors and windows, glass break and motion detectors, cameras

    As far as skills go, probably fixing things

  5. #15
    Walking on Sunshine

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    I think one of my strengths is being able to create meals from scratch with few ingredients for a group and have them well fed. DH's growing things. He's the gardener here as I have two black thumbs LOL.

  6. #16
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
    I have two black thumbs LOL.
    I've had that happen before, but mine usually come from hitting the wrong nail!

    My greatest strength is probably perseverance. Life has ups and downs, preps come and go, as do many other things, but... any setback is nothing more than a setup for a comback. At least how I see things.

    Shelter/ warmth and water are probably my strongest material preps though, between the firewood I have stacked and the presence of a large body of fresh water almost within spitting distance.

    There's a pretty decent community network here too. I'm just not plugged into it yet. I don't get out enough.
    Last edited by mitunnelrat; 10-27-2012 at 06:01 AM.
    Consilio et animis


  7. #17
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Buying stuff....yup, buying stuff. So as long as the economy is still going I'm gonna keep buying - so I guess stocking up on everything I can imagine is my strength at the moment. I'm a good shooter but to be honest I think I would have an easier time shooting an intruder than an innocent animal. I love to sew but I've not done it for such a long time that I suck at it for now so I really need to practice, I'm a problem solver - I have common sense but not always the patience to deal with stupid people. I can sew ya up after I shoot ya. I can can the hell out of meats...yabba dabba doo!
    I am not crazy about tromping around out in the woods (I have to be careful about falling - been diagnosed with severe osteoperosis, lost at least 40% of my bone mass and at my age that is really bad, very young for this).
    I like to create things, work with power tools - build and do construction type of things. I'm a Gemini so I love all things creative.
    I apologize for nothing...

  8. #18
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Well, aside from the normal prepping items....I'm going to say that I hope my friends/family are my strongest prep area. If they're not then we are all in trouble.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  9. #19
    I am balanced, but not perfect in any area. The budget allows for very little of anything right now. I have been working on increasing my vehicular knowledge the last couple months, from military vehicles, doing self repairs on mine.

  10. #20
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    My strongest would be having the right people around me to protect and defend what is ours. Having faith in the Good Lord to only give me what I can handle, and having my health to still live now (at old my age) like they did in the 1900's
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.



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