I like them to be a head turner, but a discrete head turner. I wish I could take the credit, but I saw someone turn an old 60s something firebird into an electric for some CA big shot on TV a few years ago. They didn't put the solar on though, that was my idea. When they delivered the car, I think they had about 8-10 batteries in the trunk, and about the same under the hood, and with 4 people in the car, they left a long tire trail.
I left it sitting under a tree in my sisters yard (along with a bunch of their Junkers) almost 24 years ago to the day. The whole family has had a falling out a few yrs. ago after my father remarried, and as far as I know, she may have sold it already. Oh well, a guy can dream, but I get the last laugh...I'm the only one left in the will!