Here's a space saving, water proof tip from you Brownwater Riverrat. If you have a Vacuum sealer or "suckee machine" as some like to call it. You can take your sweat pants, hoodie, long johns and socks and suck them buggers right up! Saving a butt ton of space in your BOB for a winter change of clothes. Come summer change those out for a summer light weight set of clothes. Vacuum sealing also keeps them high and dry. If you pack them in a 1 gallon freezer bag first (unzipped) you'll have bags for your dirty soiled ones. Don't forget your undies.

Note: The reason for not sealing the 1 gallon bag is you'll never get a good squeeze on your stuff with a sealed bag, in case you were wondering...........

Also in my bag of long johns is also a set of Under Armor cold weather long johns.