I found an article in the titled magazine while paging through at Fleet Farm. It just discusses the basics of what to have in a bugout bag so I thought I'd post it since it won't let me access it on the SOF's website.

Basic Items to consider(1 person for 7-14 days)-

3 sets of underwear and socks
Warm sweater and warm hat (regardless of climate)
Light wind-proof jacket
Durable pants
3 durable long sleeve shirts
1 pair of robust shoes/boots
Poncho/rain gear
Basic bathroom kit, roll or 2 of toilet paper
Back-up meds and prescription glasses
Large trash bags (many uses)
Strike-anywhere matches, fire starter, and those relight joke birthday candles.
8-14 MRE and hard candy
Light towerl, baby powder(for dry showering)
Plenty of feminine hygiene products(if applicable)
Sheath or utility pocket knife and multi-tool
Wool blanket or sleeping bag
Gallon or more of water per person (if possible)
Water purification tablets or filter system and a metal cup or pot.
100 feet of 550 cord
Flashlight and extra batteries
Cash in $5 and $10 bills (possibly gold coins for barter)
portable hand-crank radio
Firearm(s) and ammo
Copies of important papers, such as identification cards, wills, insurance, birth cert's, passports, and so on
Note pad, pencils and pens
First aid kit

Basic travel bag items-
Small back pack of some type may be the best container for ease of carry as you walk out.
Small flashlight and batteries
100 feet of 550cord
Handgun(where legal) and extra ammo (some to possibly use for barter) Due to weight and space, a .22 caliber is best for overall survival versatility.
Hunting or good utility knife.
3-6 MRE's and hard candy
Quart or 2 of water (change it every couple of weeks)
Small portable radio and batteries
Chemicals to purify water and a metal cup or pot
A reliable way to start a fire
Toilet paper
Some large garbage bags
Back-up required med's, stimulants, and glasses.
Some money and a few gold coins(if possible)
Warm hat and light jacket, decent shoes.

The above was mostly quoted from the article written by Robert Sundance

Most of this is stuff thats all been said before on these kinds of sites. Its just nice when you can keep track of consistencies. I know I always get an extra idea or 2 from what is discussed in any article or show that I see on this topic.