As I was was watching the Sunday news with one eye and half an ear this afternoon something snapped me into reality. Hidden in the Health Care Act is a clause that requires all foods that are sold to be labled with how many calories are in it. Well at first glance it sounds like a pain in the butt for food companies but really no big deal right? Wrong!

Origionally it was said that "no one was considering putting grocery stores under this rule" but then decided why not? Which means every apple pie, every roll in the bakery, every chicken breast in the deli, every item on the shelf must have how many calories are in it. How is that calculated? The items must be sent to a lab for testing and all documentation must be at the store plus items labled too. Can you imagine how expensive this is going to be? Now, for those stores who are not in compliance with the new regulations, the store will be fined and get this THE OWNER, PRESIDENT WILL BE JAILED! Yes, I said jailed.
So, stores will now be faced with a choice (as will any other place that has food or manufactures it) extreme amounts of money to comply or remove them from their shelves. This I believe is going to create a food shortage in a very short amount of time. I can't remember what the newscast (it was on FOX) said about the timeframe when it was going into effect but I believe it was fairly soon.
Knowing this I have began to rethink my prepping on food storage. I know that everyone is focused on guns and ammo right now (maybe that's why this is slipping through the cracks and no one is talking about it?) but I think that maybe it would be a good time to actually plan on the food more and really think about getting more self sufficient so I don't have to buy things so much at the store.

Can any of you give me some ideas of things that really need to be purchased because they either can't be grown easily or raised? I know right now I have to can or freeze meats since we don't have animals yet but things like sugar I know I have to buy but I'm trying to think of other items that would need to be purchased. What's left in stores are going to become very expensive as well so I think if ya'll have some extra money you might want to think about adding what you can. I was very surprised at this information. I wish I could remember what program it was on so I could cite it for you but I will keep my ears open now for more information on it.