CAMP-154 - Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter Endurance 10" Tall 20 ounces

I've had this filter for about 2-3yrs now, and it has proven to be an excellent item. It comes with the filter unit, an intake hose with weighted end that has a large particle prefilter, an exit hose so as to fill bottles or canteens, a cordura zippered carry case, a cleaning kit, and of course instructions.
Everything fits easily into the case, so you don't have loose parts floating around your pack to get lost. The hoses just push onto the filter untis fittings by hand, and remove the same. They are of a silicone type rubber, and proved very pliable, even with temps down into the 20s and high teens. The prefilter is for large particles, so if using for a cloudy or semi-muddy water, a piece of cloth or similar should be put over it to act as a more efficient prefilter.
The pump self primes with maybe half a dozen strokes easily, without special precautions. While the literature claims 1 qt. per minute, the pumping action has a fair amount of resistance due to the fine nature of the filter ceramic, and 1 qt. per 2 minutes is more reasonable, unless you are willing to work harder at it. This still isn't an issue, unless you fancy filling your canteen under fire.
I have used it on several occaisions, getting my water from clear mountain streams, and the filtered water was clear and had no strange taste or odors.
It is expensive, however clean drinking water is highest on the list of immediate and constant needs for life. It is an investment in health.