Well I saw a recipe on how to make water look and taste good and it got me thinking. How many people are there who don't drink enough water like they should. Our bodies need just plain ole water to work properly and I for one hate the taste of it. Whether it be tap water or bottled water it all taste nasty to me. I can smell and taste the chemicals in it. The only water that I will drink is out of a free flowing creek or from a spring. Even when I buy what they say is real spring water from the store, I can still taste something in there. I have smelled bleach, fluoride, and something that smells like the filling the dentist uses. It smells like the metal on a pencil eraser. I know I have to force myself to drink water and get away from drinking so much tea. Boy I really like my tea's. I don't drink soda and only about 3 to 4 cups of coffee in the mornings but I do drink tea. So I found this link about How to make Naturally Flavored Water and wanted to share it. How many of you are out there who are just like me and have to get use to drinking water? Because if you don't start now when SHTF comes that might be all you have to drink. There is always water even when you don't see it. Here is the link:::: and some copied info.

Say goodbye to soda, juice, and bottled water with these refreshing, healthy flavors! I'm keeping 2-3 flavors of this "spa water" in my fridge now, so I have a variety to motivate me to drink more water.

I was a hardcore Dr. Pepper girl for years. Then I gave up regular soda because of the high sugar content and switched to diet soda. Next we were warned to avoid the chemicals in diet soda; and more recently studies have indicated that diet soda actually causes rather than prevents weight gain (source). Geez. Lots of us moved on to bottled water, but that has landfill and environmental consequences and can be less healthy than regular tap water (source). Juice has more nutrition than soda, but is comparable in sugar, carb, and calorie content (source). Dang. It's hard to keep up.
