Hey is there any one into TEMS out there? I’m looking for good TEMS classes. Preferably out here in the west but if not, then I will travel.

I was supposed to take an EMT class last semester but I screwed up and did not register in time. So I managed to get in this semester. Needless to say it is a lot of work. It has been a while since I took a semester long class. My goal is to get through the EMT class and then go on to a TEMS class. I guess I am trying to see if it is going to be worth it? I thought about going the paramedic route however I am not looking for a job so I think that would be a little much and I’m too fricking old. However I may reconsider after the semester is over. I’m looking for the most bang for the buck I guess.

My time is pretty limited. Right now I’m working 40 hours a week and teaching 4 to 12 hours a week also. I have had to put some of my volunteer stuff on hold due to the class. For my class I had to dig out my old records, I originally went through the EMT cert in 1982. To add insult to injury when I handed it in to our squad leader he made the comment he was born 10 years after I went through the first course.

Soooooooo if you have any recommendations I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance…..