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Thread: Hugelkultur: the ultimate raised garden beds

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Hugelkultur: the ultimate raised garden beds

    I found this while searching some info on gardening tonight. I haven't heard of this technique before, but long term it seems to make sense to me. If you have a BOL, or even for you lucky ones, a BIL this seems to be a pretty good idea. In particular if you are clearing a bunch of trees out for building location and aren't planning on using the timber in the build.

    What's folk's thoguhts on this? Anyone ever heard or tried it before?

    hugelkultur raised garden beds in a nutshell:

    grow a typical garden without irrigation or fertilization
    has been demonstrated to work in deserts as well as backyards
    use up rotting wood, twigs, branches and even whole trees that would otherwise go to the dump or be burned
    it is pretty much nothing more than buried wood
    can be flush with the ground, although raised garden beds are typically better
    can start small, and be added to later
    can always be small - although bigger is better
    You can save the world from global warming by doing carbon sequestration in your own back yard!
    perfect for places that have had trees blown over by storms
    can help end world hunger
    give a gift to your future self

    the verbose details about hugelkultur raised garden beds

    It's a german word and some people can say it all german-ish. I'm an american doofus, so I say "hoogle culture". I had to spend some time with google to find the right spelling. Hugal, hoogal, huegal, hugel .... And I really like saying it out loud: "hugelkultur, hoogle culture, hoogal kulture ...." - it could be a chant or something.

    I learned this high-falootin word at my permaculture training. I also saw it demonstrated on the Sepp Holzer terraces and raised beds video - he didn't call it hugelkultur, but he was doing it.

    Hugelkultur is nothing more than making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood. This makes for raised garden beds loaded with organic material, nutrients, air pockets for the roots of what you plant, etc. As the years pass, the deep soil of your raised garden bed becomes incredibly rich and loaded with soil life. As the wood shrinks, it makes more tiny air pockets - so your hugelkultur becomes sort of self tilling. The first few years, the composting process will slightly warm your soil giving you a slightly longer growing season. The woody matter helps to keep nutrient excess from passing into the ground water - and then refeeding that to your garden plants later. Plus, by holding SO much water, hugelkultur could be part of a system for growing garden crops in the desert with no irrigation.

    I do think there are some considerations to keep in mind. For example, I don't think I would use cedar. Cedar lasts so long because it is loaded with natural pesticides/herbicides/anti-fungal/anti-microbial (remember, good soil has lots of fungal and microbial stuff). Not a good mix for tomatoes or melons, eh? Black locust, black cherry, black walnut? These woods have issues. Black locust won't rot - I think because it is so dense. Black walnut is very toxic to most plants, and cherry is toxic to animals, but it might be okay when it rots - but I wouldn't use it until I had done the research. Known excellent woods are: alders, apple, cottonwood, poplar, willow (dry) and birch. I suspect maples would be really good too, but am not certain. Super rotten wood is better than slightly aged wood. The best woods are even better when they have been cut the same day (this allows you to "seed" the wood with your choice of fungus - shitake mushrooms perhaps?).

    Another thing to keep in mind is that wood is high in carbon and will consume nitrogen to do the compost thing. This could lock up the nitrogen and take it away from your growies. But well rotted wood doesn't do this so much. If the wood is far enough along, it may have already taken in sooooo much nitrogen, that it is now putting it out!

    Pine and fir will have some levels of tanins in them, but I'm guessing that most of that will be gone when the wood has been dead for a few years.

    In the drawings at right, the artist is trying to show that while the wood decomposes and shrinks, the leaves, duff and accumulating organic matter from above will take it's place. The artist is showing the new organic matter as a dark green.

  2. #2
    Does NOT use a snake bit sucker kit on snake bits

    Evolver's Avatar
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    Yeah you nailed it BP this would be great for the people with BOL's. The one thing that you would need to take into consideration is the amount of irrigation needed would be different depending on the area.

    hugelkultur raised garden beds in a nutshell:

    grow a typical garden without irrigation or fertilization
    I can see how in a rainy/hight winter snow fall location you might get away without irrigation because of the sponge effect of the wood but if your in a dry clement the wood/ground beds would have to have irrigation because of the lack of natural moisture in the ground so you would have to add the water at the start and replenish it time to time but all in all this looks like a great technique.
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  3. #3
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Interesting, are you thinking about giving it a try BP?
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  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Probably not at my current location. I dont have the wood needed for it. Plus we have decent soil where I'm at. Who knows in the future though. We are keeping our eye out for a nice remote place. That might be just the thing then.

  5. #5
    Bacon Spam

    rentprop1's Avatar
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    I think it also would only work well with sloped terrain otherwise the low spots would hold more water that the raised and create 2 environments and possible eventually level itself out

    we used to have a quad track in the backyard from my son's 4 wheeler, after a few years the berms all leveled themselves out as well as when raised beds will flatten once the wooden boarder material rotts away

    plus sounds like a hell of a lot of work.....Jack on the survival podcast has a video about this with additional progression updates, but he recently moved from that location

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    IIRC the original link talked about the area settling back after the material rotted away. But you would be left with a good amount of rich humis at that point.
    I dont think this type bed would work for everybody, I know it wouldn't,. But for some folks it might make the difference between being able to garden or not. It's just one more technique to consider.

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