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Thread: How will Quantitative Easing end?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anyone that believes QE is a good thing...well, to be polite...deserves to have their payroll accounts, retirements accounts, and pensions, confiscated.

    That's how this ends. That's why this government is choosing to print dollars and dump them into the stock rubes who think its a good thing that the Wall Street says the market is over 14,000...will invest all their savings, just in time for the next crash. All ur dollars are belong to us.

    There is absolutely NOTHING good about printing worthless dollars and dumping half of them into the stock market to gin up a false sense of security.

    Unemployment is at a 60 year high, new investment in brick & mortar is at an all time low, millions of homes sit empty yet companies keep building new're being set up for something - again.

    The only thing this bubble is buying you is time, time to prepare, and that is wasted if you aren't redeeming that time by preparing for the inevitable crash.

    See, it must be crashed so that you accept the solution they have afterwards...and if they make you feel it - really feel it - for a little while, well you will take whatever the solution is if it means you get to save SOME of your own money.

    But look, even if the crash isn't imminent -the doubling of the money supply has cut in half the amount you've been saving. EVERY raw material for ALL the products you buy is almost double what it was 5 years ago...oil, metals (precious, semi-precious, non-precious metals), food packaging is smaller, while food pricing is higher...

    What part of this do you NOT think is due to QE?

    Iceland was at this point before anyone, they de-linked from the Euro and took it on the chin, refused the Euro-bail out...and their economy is growing. Why doesn't anyone know that? Why is that we all have to take the Greek bailout has NEVER worked, and it never will fix the economy.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Have 30 days of cash on hand, buy things you use everyday - food, water, a means of preserving and/or filtering each of those (respectively). Have some access to electricity (generator), and some means of protecting what you have. Encourage your neighbors (not just those you live by, but any you go to church with, volunteer with, etc,) and reestablish family ties.

    Know why these things are important, know what you believe, and why.

    Something big is coming.

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