I wasa searching through threads trying to find a thread like this - - HOW TO ORGANIZE FOOD STORAGE.

The QUEST became real about 10 days ago when my wife needed a can of condensed milk. None in the pantry so she asked if I could take one from our storage, as she calls it. Now, I KNOW we had several so I go looking. After a few minutes I found it, but what was disturbing was finding my lack of organization and that some of my cans had "expired" a few years ago. Those have now moved up to first to be eaten in the regular pantry.

I am still trying to figure out a best way for storage. I think it may be quite different for everyone based upon what your space limitations are. While I estimate we have enough food for about 4 months and water for about 6 weeks, it is scattered around the house due to space limitations. Some here, some there, etc. I am thinking that I may begin to store things in different areas based upon the "expiration" dates. That way we can rotate the older storage out into daily use and then store newer foods in that area.

I don't know, just don't know.