i love rabbits and i love to eat them.. just had 8 new kits (babys) the other day and they grow so fast in 6 mths i can eat them .. they also feed my garden with there poo and my garden feeds them weeds and all .. i put there left over nest in my compost pile its a win win win for me .. i keep lion heads (i can sale them as pets to make xtra cash to) gets about 12 lb new zealand white meat rabbit love them gets about 11 or 12 lbs mine are a bit larger than that i have a large palomino im trying to mix in to beef up my own breed im working on i have some americans such good momas 12 to 13 lbs and 18 mix babys i breed my self ... working on a winter barn idea i have let you no how it goes .. also keeps the kids happy and gives them a pet thats not a no good eater ... they are not hard to keep just take a little time .. i kill and skin them my self yes a women it is not hard at all takes no time , you just hold them by the back legs love on them alittle to calm them hit them on the head behind the ears at the base of the skull tell blood comes out the mouth and nose they may jump alittle so hold them good and thats all there is to it ..