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Thread: Oil Platforms and sinkholes in Louisiana

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee

    Oil Platforms and sinkholes in Louisiana

    I haven't saw anything on this site about this, but This morning I heard a news blurb on CBS radio on the way to work about this rig. Here are a few links to some different things going on down there. Due to the number of links, I'm not going to add any of the stories. I would recommend taking a look if you have friends or family in that area at least.

    There is lots more on the net about all these events. Some sites by well known sources, plenty of others that are harder to verify so YMMV. I would like to hear others comments about this, espically if you know much about this area. I particularly would like to hear from Helo on this.

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    I hadn't heard anything about the sinkhole, or the oil well problems this year until the last few days. I got to doing some research today and found lots of info on all this. Plus other stuff going on in the area besides whats covered in the links I put up. It amazes me the crap that has been allowed to go on there. It further amazes me that this country isn't really anywhere near the worlds worst offender at this kind of crap. It makes me wonder what kind of stuff hasn't been revealed yet???

    This is information that needs an eye kept on it. Especially for folks living or traveling in or near the area. I'm starting to expect this to grow in magnitude over the next few months. Funny as how there is a good deal of info on the net, both from normal media sources along with lots of other no name sources, but little to know information being given out on any of the national news on television. Perhaps it could be a reason we have so much horseshit on the mainstream media all the time? Zimmerman trial and the continuing followup to that, the new baby news FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY, ETC just to name a couple. Not to mention the lack of real discussion on any of the corruption and cover ups from the IRS, Bengazi and so on.

  3. #3
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    I used to work in the oilfield industry as a perforations engineer (thats a fancy way of saying I blew shit up! *mostly underground*) While I have never worked in the oilfield offshore, I have had blowouts happen to me on terra firma. While this leads to a pretty hairy/fun scenario of a 25-40' long explosive filled pipe racing to the surface from several thousand feet below, attached to my work truck via a heavy duty cable, its all actually pretty common. What some folks dont realize, natural gas, leaking into the ocean, isnt really that big of a deal, it happens all over the world naturally everyday. Now, oil, while not as common, but that too does happen, its usually accompanied with a geological shift of the earth plates. Normally it stops after a few days, but it actually happens quite a bit as well.
    As far as the fire/explosive hazard, it can happen in a mechanical setting, but in a naturally occuring instance, very unlikely to happen.
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